the best and worst moments in metal

fat bastard

Nov 19, 2004
two of the worst off the top of my head have to be dimebags murder and the crowns premature breakup. they were just to good to end it.
Varg murdering Euronymous
Murder of Dimebag
King Diamond's The Puppet Master

Death of Quarthon and Chuck Schulinder
Murder of Nathan Gale
Collapse of Diabolical Masquerade
worst: the death of Dawn Crosby, Chuck Schulinder, Dimebag, and Yaz. Other worst moments... umm... Phil Anselmo's life, Ripper Owens voice, metal elitists, Alexi Laiho fanboys, the passing of the 80's, the breakup of exhorder, the breakup of metallica in 1989 (thats my story and im sticking to it), and corpse paint.

best: chuck billy recovering from cancer, testament reunion tour, thrash, cheesy power metal (brothers unite...)
Dodens Grav said:
You people all fucking suck.
agreed. dimebag was an important factor in the evolution of metal and influenced lots of people, some of which probably went on to form bands that some of you do appreciate. to support his death is disgraceful especially when you consider how and why he died. and to dodens, while i still havent heard bathory yet i do appreciate the effect that quorthon had on metal as he influenced a lot of bands that i do know. :worship:

and to whoever said the crown breaking up was a good thing die. the reasons for their end could happen to any metal band.
5thSeason said:
sorry, but owens ruins every band he joins.
To my knowledge, Winter's Bane fucking slays.

Judas Priest decided to write shitty stuff when he came into the band, it had nothing to do with Owens.

Same thing with Iced Earth.

I am so looking forward to Beyond Fear.

Oh and Owens >>>> Halfrod and Barlow.
Menhir said:
To my knowledge, Winter's Bane fucking slays.
have you ever actually HEARD winters bane>

Menhir said:
Judas Priest decided to write shitty stuff when he came into the band, it had nothing to do with Owens.
if you say so

Menhir said:
Same thing with Iced Earth.
actually the glorious burden is a very well written album, lots of songs based on historical events... the gettysburg epic is unfuckingbelievable however ripper shit all over it with his voice

Menhir said:
I am so looking forward to Beyond Fear.
good for you

Menhir said:
Oh and Owens >>>> Halfrod and Barlow.
first of all no... and no. Secondly.. its HALFORD not "Halfrod"
5thSeason said:
have you ever actually HEARD winters bane>

Yes I have. Heart of a Killer is absolutly amazing.

if you say so

I do say so ... ^_^ so I guess it is that way then >_>

actually the glorious burden is a very well written album, lots of songs based on historical events... the gettysburg epic is unfuckingbelievable however ripper shit all over it with his voice
I will admit Iced Earth wrote a decent enough album, but ... it wasn't that good compared to anything else they had done.

That album was not something Owens was suited for.

first of all no... and no. Secondly.. its HALFORD not "Halfrod"

Bah simple spelling mistake. Also, yes and yes. Owens has a much more impressive voice than Halford does, and I find it alot more refined and impressive than Barlow's.
Evan84 said:
I'm glad someone murdered dimebag

Why are you so happy that a good guitar player that alot of people liked died, I dont fucking get it, I hate Korn but if Jonathan Davis died I wouldnt be happy. Dimebag was one of my favorite guitar players and I think its bullshit that you would say things like that just to say them. You are a piece of shit, truly, I have never meant it more on this forum. You shouldn't even have anything to say back because you know you are full of shit you fucking asshole. Comments like that piss me off, I think its funny when someone makes racist comments most of the time, but when cunts like you say shit like that it reallly personally agitates me, if you were around me in person and said that I would stab you in your fucking throat.
I know my comment is going to be laughed at but the kid who made that comment is a fucking cocksucker, fuck him, DIMEBAG is fucking awesome.
Tim Owens is one of the best traditional vocalists out there today, period. The direction Judas Priest were headed in at the time is NOT in any was Tim Owens' fault, and the two albums he performed on certainly were not weak because of his performance. It was the poor songwriting. The Glorious Burden fucking sucked, and the only reason why I listened to it was to hear Tim Owens. He's way better than the warbly fuck that was Matt Barlow. Although to be honest, I'm not expecting much from Beyond Fear, because I have a feeling there will be too much Pantera influence.