The Best Idea Since Sliced Bread



1 Dedicated Server
1 Serv-U Ftp hosting program
1 person willing to host an ftp site for all UM users to upload and download music from
1 fast uncapped internet connection



in otherwords, I saw on somethingawful, that they have put up ftp sites where everyone uploads their music to, (esp full album rips) so every can download lotsa goodies.

What we need to do is set up a UM FTP server or something.. I have approx 6000 mp3's that I would happily upload for everyone to get their hands on, and I'm sure a few other people would be happy to as well. And then everyone on UM can help them selves to a good, diverse and reliable source for good quality full album rips.

Unfortunately, I can not host this FTP site, due to my capped internet connection. I'm only allowed 1GB download a month. But I am uncapped for uploads. So if an FTP went up, I would upload ALL my stuff.

Does anyone like this idea, and furthermore, would anyone like to volunteer to host the FTP on a dedicated server?
OK.. for those not up with teh ftp, goto, and download these programs:

FTP Client:

Smart Ftp

This program simply rocks, allowing you to connect to multiple servers, and has an excellent interface, dead easy to use, and the favorites option is damn handy.

FTP Host program:


If you want to host an ftp, this program is again DEAD easy to use.. I figured it out, and I'm a dumb shit.
Its hard to get a hold of a good unlimited plan here in Australia, since we have the highest broadband rates in the civilised world... I'd like to help out with some uploads when I get my cable conn (month or so) but I won't be doing any hosting.
I used to run a site for somethingawful but roadrunner likes to shut my service off and make me call them to get it turned back on....bastards
I've had an ftp server running at for a long time now... the only problem is that I can only upload at 42KB/sec max :cry:
So I don't make my entire media collection accessable, or else people would never disconnect and my internet connection would probably be unuseable hehe. A couple of months ago I ran a direct connect hub... it wasn't too popular though, but if there is enough interest I can always put it up again...
They discovered bread that slices itself!!!!!!!? *Faints* :rolleyes:

On a more serious note, if I can get access to a cable connection for a short time with one of my HD's... I can upload about 8K songs to the network............