The best INTRO track...

SculptedCold said:
Um, do you mean intro track as in ANY first track on an album?? That's a or any track intended as an intro, and not a 'proper' song? That seems a much more appropriate question, in which case, Emperor's Alsvartr no competition. Otherwise, I haven't got a friggin' clue.

I interpreted it as the best intro to an album (ie not a 'proper' song), not the best first song of an album. It seems several people have interpreted it as the latter.
I think I'll have to go with Brick's "Brick intro" from their "Stoneheart" LP. As far as I recall it's also the only good song on the album unfortunatly. It only lasts 1:49, but it's goddamn funky shit!
I also think Dimmu Borgir's "Fear and wonder" is great! I haven't bought any of their records since "Spiritual black dimensions" and that only had one memorable song, but I actually considered buying this only because of the intro.
Dark Funeral's "The coming of the dark age" or "The dark age has arrived" or whatever it's called (from "Secrets of the black arts") also works quite well IMO. Without the title track following it, it's shit though!
My vote goes to Iron Maiden's Caught Somewhere In Time...those opening notes just kill me everytime.

Emperor's Alsvarter (The Oath) is also a killer opener,the slow built-up into Ye Entrancemperium is (un)godlike!
Adam90125 said:
Type O Negative - Bad Grounds :rock:
Ha ha! Yeah! What about "Machine screw" or "Skip it" then? I always skip "Bad ground" and "Machine screw", but I must admit that I actually think "Skip it" works very well when "White slavery" comes in. Just like the Dark Funeral I mentioned!
If you are talking about the best intro in a song (like the first few seconds before the lyrics kick in) then Mono Grind by Berzerkers is awesome... ANd i really like the beginning of Brackish by Kittie. Then agian.. this is pretty open to how you interpret it
Hypocrisy- fractured millennium
Death- infernal death
Nile- the blessed dead
Motorhead- ace of spades
Cathedral- cybertron 71/internal countdown (Intro)
Cynic- veil of maya
others ,but can't think of them right now.
The Funeral Winds Born in Oriana-Nokturnal Mortum (NeChrist)-much better than black moon overture
Therion-Preledium/To Mega Therion
Slayer-Angel of Death, Hell Awaits
Metallica-Fight Fire With Fire, Battery
Emperor-Al Savatar, Into the Infinity of Thought
Dissection-the intro on Storm...(before Night's Blood)
Morgion-Descent to Awrawn
My Dying Bride-The Dreadful Hours, The Cry of Mankind, Sear me 93, She is the Dark
Axis of Advance-Evanescant Judgement Of the Last Era (Strike!)
Nile-the BLessed Dead
Morbid Angel-Abominations of Desolation (YOG SOTHOTH IS THE GATE!)
Obiturary-Infected (Cause of Death)
Cryptopsy-None so Vile
Sepultura-Beneath the Remains
Darkthrone-Kathaarian Life Code (A Blaze)
Bathory-Odens Ride over Nordland/A Fine Day to Dine, Twillight of the Gods
Celtic Frost-Into the Crypts of Rays
Immolation-the intro to CTAWB (i keep forgetting song titles today!)
Abruptum-De Profundis Mors Vars Cousumet
Esoteric-the Pernicious Engima
Entombed-Left Hand Path