The best thing that has happened to you recently

I finally might get everything in order with my homecoming date (as in if she can go and if I'm paying for her ticket and everything)
The best thing thats happened to me is.....

I dont think anything good has happened lately =[
I found out I have 7 exams next week
All my mates have fallen out
My mum is just....annoying me lately
I dropped out of a trip to London with school
I put weight on

woop :p
I recently moved to another city to start my main studies.. and it's so awesome! The city is much nicer, smaller, friendlier, the people seem more open. The university is totally awesome as well. Im specialising on airplane engines, and they have an entire institute for those engines.. it's so cool. Two of my teachers worked for airplane engine companies.. total awesomenes. I'll post a few photos in the picture thread I think.
I can play so much faster since my 3 hour rehearsal with the school of rock. Yes!
Probably moving abroad to study in this city (albeit not as inspiring as I envisioned). That, and resuming an old relationship.
i got an A on a paper that i wrote when i was drunk!!

and my psychology class was cancelled

and its a beautiful november day

and i just bought my SOJA tickets

and i get to visit my bong tonight <3

its a good day :danceboy:
This week I learned how to drive/operate this beast of a 8x8: