The best thing that has happened to you recently

This week I learned how to drive/operate this beast of a 8x8:
I learned how to operate this beast!
My grandma sent me $100 for my late birthday present, and I discovered the DigiTech Death Metal pedal which is the solution to my lack-of-edge problem with my current distortion. There is lots of hum and string noise but christmas is coming and a noisegate will get rid of that.
I just got an 8 megapixel camera.

It's called the Canon PowerShot SX100 IS, it can't shoot in RAW, but so far I like it. I haven't gotten to actually test it out on stuff I want to take pictures of.
I found out I'm getting a puppy for christmas :D

Thats goooooooood eatin' rite thar.

My grandma sent me $100 for my late birthday present, and I discovered the DigiTech Death Metal pedal which is the solution to my lack-of-edge problem with my current distortion. There is lots of hum and string noise but christmas is coming and a noisegate will get rid of that.

I have that distortion pedal. Its pretty much the bomb diggity.
I got the boss mega destortion pedal. It doesn't have a whole lot of edge but I think thats because of my amp. Its awesome that it has a heavy sound and isn't super fuzzy sounding. It does have more edge than my normal distortion.
Well for school of Rock I might be doing 4 songs instead of 2 for a show in January. In "All Right Now" they told me to learn the solo, because they are having two people play rhythm, I might be playing rhythm with them but maybe not. Also I might be singing "Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is" if my voice can go high enough.

What I am doing is Rock Lobster and Freedom. Its pretty awesome. :D
5 Day Weekend!

Thank the Native Americans for keeping the Whities from starving.