the bitching thread

/Child Of Bodom\ said:
Sad but tr00, although they came last year, smewhere in september or november, not quite sure. I found out they had come like 15 days later. :rolleyes:

Also Alexi toured México when he was playing for Impaled Nazarene(I don't remember if CoB was opening for them) and he got all sick. :lol:
Throwing up on stage or what??? :tickled: :erk: :D
i got to go to school now.. i dislike school.. im so tired im always sleeping there, and fuck there only a month left but i cannot survive I DONT WANNA GO TO SCHOOL GODDAMNIT!

patrick - I WONT go to school! Never again!
mother - Patriiiick? It's time to go to school now or you'll be late!
patrick: sorry mom! :erk:

this look like this hehe are affraid of your mom, ha dood?
it should look like this:
patrick - I WONT go to school! Never again! fuck the school!
mother - Patriiiick? It's time to go to school now or you'll be late! Watch your language language, kid!!
patrick: Ahm shut the fuck up...I love COB and I hate school. so fuck the school...I am going to my room with my bottle of whisky...see ya at the evening...

After 8 months of getting up at the crack of lunchtime, I have done something REALLY stupid and gotten myself a job.

So as of Monday, I will have to get up at 6am, start work at 8am and be bound heart and soul to my employer until 4pm five days a week. And worst of all, I have to wear a godawful uniform instead of my anti-social fuck off black t-shirt and jeans.

Still, I'll be working as a receptionist in a hospital, so perhaps I'll tell them I just got back from a holiday in Japan and then sneeze a few times. That would really freak them out...

Just watch 'em lock me away in the isolation ward...
Feelin' great, the Dew-Scented gig was awesome yesterday.

Actually, I can't even bitch about anything serious right now...just some lil' annoying things...
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