the bitching thread


I hate bourgeoisie
I hate children... no, I don't hate... they're cute, but far away from me.
I hate racism
I hate some people of my "family" (just aunts, uncles and cousins)
I hate happy people (you know what I mean, that useless happyness)
I hate those smilies
I hate Blackgama, or something like that, I don't know and don't give a fuck
I hate Victoria's Secret
I hate fashion
I hate meat
I hate the bear slaughter in China
I hate to see street dogs and cats suffering
I hate fur clothes
I hate Suzane von Richthofen
I hate being full of scars because of a stupid past
I hate Lord of the Rings
I hate Vampirism
I hate white metal
I hate the hipocrisy of some people I know
I hate Avril Lavigne
I hate burgher teen girls (in portuguese is paty) with their pink cell phones
I hate those same burgher teen girls known as patys with their screams for The Calling, Backstreet Boys, 'N Sync, Nickelback, Sum 41 etc
I hate Korn
I hate girls imitating Avril Lavigne
I hate girls imitating Britney Spears
I hate new metal at all
I hate the system
I hate George Bush
I hate Fernando Henrique
I hate Armínio Fraga
I hate Blondie
I hate Marta Suplicy
I hate Benedita da Silva
I hate Xmas
I hate Easter
I hate Johnny Thunders
I hate Winnie the Pooh
I hate Mickey Mouse
I hate Ariel Sharon
I hate Paul O'Neil
I hate psychotherapy
I hate volleyball
I hate country music
I hate spoiled teenagers
I hate Misfits
I hate that porno pop-ups too
I hate people who go to the cemetery and think this is gothic
I hate Shopping Center

there are some other things I hate, but I don't remember now
thanks for the opportunity :) <--- aham, I hate it too
You hate meat?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I hate trance/dance/techno music.
I hate most insects/worms/snails.
I hate country music.
I hate religions.
I hate cigarette smoke.
I hate skanky bitches and ho's (You know: those stupid teeny-bopper girls, apparently known as "burghers")
I dislike alcohol.
Originally posted by Vidaeus
You hate meat?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I hate trance/dance/techno music.
I hate most insects/worms/snails.
I hate country music.
I hate religions.
I hate cigarette smoke.
I hate skanky bitches and ho's (You know: those stupid teeny-bopper girls, apparently known as "burghers")
I dislike alcohol.

Huahuahuahuahauhua, I knew somebody would complain. Yes, I'm "half-vegetarian" (I still eat fish). Ah, yes, I hate those stupid teeny-booper girls too.
What hatebreeder concept?
Oh yeah, I hate people who say they are vegetarian but who still eat fish. FISH IS A MEAT GODAMMIT!!!!
Kuvasz: you don't count because you said you were "half-vegetarian".
Wait a minute...half-vegetarian? Is that a bit like being half pregnant?
Originally posted by Tut Ankh Amon
@Kuvazs: YOU HATE MEAT!?!??!!?!??

From now on, we are enemies. You and I.

(sorry, i´ve been dying to say that after i watched Amadeus :D )

Hehehehehe... doido, véio. Okay okay. Just because I don't eat cow corpse? Choose your guns... :err: uh... okay, forget what I said hehe

Ah, today is Corinthians x Santos, :D

Originally posted by Vidaeus
Kuvasz: you don't count because you said you were "half-vegetarian".
Wait a minute...half-vegetarian? Is that a bit like being half pregnant?

Ah... would?

Ps: My English is terrible