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Finished Straw Dogs; interesting book, although a bit light at times. Gray is significantly swayed by his own argument so much that he sometimes forgets he's arguing, I think. It reads more like a self-help book, except that's not at all what it is. It's more like a combination of historical anecdotes, philosophical musings and rhetoric. Just take this excerpt:
Nonetheless, it was an entertaining read.
Excited to be starting this now:
For us, nothing is more important than to live as we choose. This is not because we value freedom more than people did in earlier times. It is because we have identified the good life with the chosen life.
For the pre-Socratic Greeks, the fact that our lives are framed by limits was what makes us human. Being born a mortal, in a given place and time, strong or weak, swift or slow, brave or cowardly, beautiful or ugly, suffering tragedy or being spared it - these features of our lives are given to us, they cannot be chosen. If the Greeks could have imagined a life without them, they could not have recognized it as that of a human being.
The ancient Greeks were right. The ideal of the chosen life does not square with how we live. We are not authors of our lives; we are not even part-authors of the events that mark us most deeply. Nearly everything that is most important in our lives is unchosen. The time and place we are born, our parents, the first language we speak - these are chance, not choice. It is the casual drift of things that shapes our most fateful relationships. The life of each of us is a chapter of accidents.
Personal autonomy is the work of our imagination, not the way we live.
Nonetheless, it was an entertaining read.
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