The Books/Reading Thread

About to start reading A Clash of Kings after having read A Game of Thrones and watching the first season of the TV series. Definitely looking forward to it.
Daenarys and Arya need to die. At some point they went from being interesting, endangered characters to just kind of muddling along. I simply dont care what their adventures are anymore.
I'm reading Heidegger's Being and Time for an existentialism class right now. Maybe I'm just not getting it or need to wait until the end to make a sound judgment, but this is by far the most pointlessly obscure, asinine piece of philosophy I've ever read.
I'm reading Heidegger's Being and Time for an existentialism class right now. Maybe I'm just not getting it or need to wait until the end to make a sound judgment, but this is by far the most pointlessly obscure, asinine piece of philosophy I've ever read.

I havent actually read Heidegger myself but he is (in)famous for being obscure and difficult. But obviously there is something there, otherwise he wouldnt be who he has become in our history telling.

From what I remember the first step to overcome if to understand his use of words where he makes up his own concepts and sometimes gives existing words partly new meanings making it hard for a beginner to really understand his writing. And of course reading a translated version also creates difficulties as subtle linguistic colouring often is lost.
I'm reading Heidegger's Being and Time for an existentialism class right now. Maybe I'm just not getting it or need to wait until the end to make a sound judgment, but this is by far the most pointlessly obscure, asinine piece of philosophy I've ever read.

You're not alone. When he discusses the "worlding of the world" I begin to crave alcohol.

You might check out the Cambridge Companion to Heidegger from your library. It helped me.
I wouldn't use the word "polluted." Some people enjoy reading philosophy.

I read fiction every week. Last week I finished Walter Scott's Heart of Midlothian and I'm currently halfway through Elizabeth Gaskell's Mary Barton and Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy.


By John Milton

So far we've read:
"On Shakespeare"
"How Sooth Has Time"
"Comus (A Masque)"

About to start Paradise Lost next week. Super excited.

Nice. Paradise Lost is a treat. I hope you aren't reading Paradise Regained, though; that poem's a bit of boring.
I don't have any problem with philosophy and find it intriguing but I haven't delved into it much because I find it tiresome. Especially when it comes to philosophy that I can't really apply to my own life.

Paradise Lost rules.
Philosophy/Theory is just where my interests have been guiding me, recently. My seminars mandate that I read fiction every week, so I try and read a bit of nonfiction in my spare time.
stp tkng me so ltrly

np br0

Philosophy/Theory is just where my interests have been guiding me, recently. My seminars mandate that I read fiction every week, so I try and read a bit of nonfiction in my spare time.

Outside of something like ASoF&I, reading fiction just feels like I'm wasting time. I can't enjoy it. I have a million things I want to do, and if some of my time is going to be occupied by reading, it needs to be informative.