Active Member
I'd like to read that as well. I'll probably ask for it for Christmas. Right now I'm working on these (you may enjoy these yourself:
I think I may. I'm not familiar with Klein, sounds interesting though.
I'd like to read that as well. I'll probably ask for it for Christmas. Right now I'm working on these (you may enjoy these yourself:
There's a movie out. - World War Z (2013) with Brad Pitt.
Anyone seen it?
Finished A Clash of Kings the other day. Decided to finally start this. I find that Tolkien's letter explaining his reasons for writing the Silmarillion to be better than the book itself. But I haven't even begun the Silmarillion-proper in the book. Still reading the Valaquenta.
Decided to finally start this. I find that Tolkien's letter explaining his reasons for writing the Silmarillion to be better than the book itself. But I haven't even begun the Silmarillion-proper in the book. Still reading the Valaquenta.