The Books/Reading Thread

I still flip over all of As I Lay Dying. No matter how hard I try, there's no way for me to enjoy reading it.

I should stop being a faggot though and read something else by Faulkner, but I just don't give enough fucks. I'm sure I'll be forced to take some sort of Modernism class again eventually and will probably end up killing myself in the process, but we'll see. That was over 2 years ago when I read it so maybe I'll appreciate something about it.
I don't even know how to begin writing about The Sound and the Fury. That will require re-reads on my part.

And Mike (unknown), I haven't read Absalom, Absalom! yet; it has been highly recommended by colleagues and professors, so it's on my list.

And Mike (yoda), embrace the modernisms...
Started reading this over Thanksgiving. Awesome so far:

it's good! It's more like a journal of Pessoa's thoughts and musings. He writes very beautifully, so that makes up for the lack of discernible plot. I recommend it just solely based on his prose

Insurrection was a boring read 3/4 in to it - then it picked up.
The writing was somewhat immature. And Robyn Young is supposed to have a masters degree in Creative Writing.

Hope the next one is better - RENEGADE
(Book 2 of the Insurrection Trilogy)
King Edward of England marches on Scotland, his campaign to unite the British Isles under one crown inspired by an Arthurian prophecy. He has already crushed Wales; now he needs only find the Staff of St Malachy, symbol of Irish nationhood, to achieve his implacable desire.
One man alone can thwart Edward’s plan. Leaving his war-torn home, Robert Bruce has sailed to Ireland, determined to find the Staff and keep it out of Edward's hands. His veins run with the blood of kings and his destiny to fulfil his family's claim to the throne of Scotland burns in his mind. But on the run through the wild country, hunted by a relentless assassin, Robert seems a long way from achieving his ambition. And there are other eyes on Scotland’s crown, old enemies gathering against him.
Going to try and read a bunch of books over break, hobbit/the road/no country/fellowship and the electric kool aid acid test..maybe buy some vonnegut or something else too when i'm bored
Going to try and read a bunch of books over break, hobbit/the road/no country/fellowship and the electric kool aid acid test..maybe buy some vonnegut or something else too when i'm bored

Will have to check that out, but after I've read the book.

Going to try and read a bunch of books over break, hobbit/the road/no country/fellowship and the electric kool aid acid test..maybe buy some vonnegut or something else too when i'm bored

Apart from Slaughterhouse 5, where does one start with Vonnegut?
I need to pick up The Number and the Siren. I watched a lecture he gave on it a couple of weeks back, I'm a big fan of Mallarme, and I'm already halfway through After Finitude after it came in the mail this morning.