The Books/Reading Thread

Yeah i don't really care for Beck either. My mom has been a teacher in the public school system for close to 20 years now, and we both are not fans of common core and what it has done to an already fucked up public school system, but her support of the bullshit teachers union is where we stop agreeing. I thought this would be an interesting read for the both of us, and im almost sure it's going to infuriate her when i hand it down, lol.

I just finished the new Vince Flynn novel The Survivor.

It was a really good read. It isn't due out until October 6th but I got an advance copy.

Anthem is good story. I hesitate to knock Ayn Rand because Atlas Shrugged was the book that got me thinking critically about life and intellectualism; I may not have gone to college if I hadn't read it. But if you're looking for something that is philosophically good and that can hold its own water in a crowded pool, look beyond her ;)
Every book she wrote could have been called The Virtue of fucking Selfishness. I'll knock her for you BO. She has no nuance, no ambivalence, and no curiosity. Her novels are the opposite of "art," and her "philosophical" works lack any philosophical rigor. She writes pure rhetorical tripe.
As half this thread is prolly about them it seems relevant: someone was throwing out (????) A load of malazan/mazalan/whatever hadbacks at my mum's school, do she took them for my sister's boyfriend. And i took them. Because he's hot no hair.
the problem with the malazan books is they make literally every other activity on the planet seem less interesting and now i hate this repulsive existence
This was pretty good. A fair dose of American naturalism mixed in with some typographical experimentation for good measure:


Next up, some good ol' fashioned fucked up fiction:
