The Books/Reading Thread

I wasn't sold on this, but I read it as an introduction to their mythology and intend to explore more thoroughly. Finished at lunch today:


The Prose Edda (since it's blurry on the photo)

After reading 5 books in 5 weeks, i'm not sure there's anything else to learn about modern China and India. College is ridiculous
The first book of a trilogy about a very interesting antagonist in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

This was a thrift store find too, it was a buck fifty iirc.

I've been meaning to read something 40k related for a while but there's so much and the last stuff I tried, when I was about 12, kinda sucked.
I received the Wheel of Time prequel and 'The Hunt' in the mail along with the first compendium for the series. Gonna be fun times once I get started on those again.
Ah, that makes sense now, haha.

I was like, am I tripping?

A safe bet for quality writing within Warhammer 40,000 is the Horus Heresy series.