The Books/Reading Thread

But anyhow I'm currently reading Asimov's 'Foundation' and just finished reading a biography of Gandhi which was very good.

But I don't read much these days coz I'm a lawyer and spend all day reading at work (when I'm not posting here :) ) so the last thing I want to do is read when I get home.
K, pretty self explanatory. Right now, I'm trying to read Tolkien's Silmarillion again because it's boring and I skipped a lot of parts when I first read it.

I thought 'Of Beleriand & Its Realms' was the only boring chapter in the whole book. I have read it 6 times already, its very entertaining stuff.

I am currently reading Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince again. Although I hate the movies, the books are very well-written and I can't wait for the 7th one to come out.
I've read the first four Harry Potter books and I own the 5th and 6th, but never got around the reading them yet. I better get cracking on The Order of the Phoenix before the movie comes out.
I'm reading Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson atm. It's great so far. I love his writing style. It's taking me ages though, I don't read as much as I should.

Some of my fave books:

Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
Perdido Street Station - China Miéville
Snowcrash - Neal Stephenson
Vernon God Little - DBC Pierre
Weaveworld - Clive Barker

Neal Stephenson is fucking great. I've got Quicksilver to read, and I should probably re-read Cryptonomicon and finish Snow Crash *I had to put it down to focus on school*. Also, cheers on Weaveworld. Clive Barker's epic books are fucking phenomenal. He gives Neil Gaiman a run for his money.

I just finished reading my last book for school last week called White Boy Shuffle by Paul Beatty. It was actually pretty cool. Now that I'm done reading for school I can focus back on leisure reading. I'm perusing a small, depressing book/pamphlet type thing called "Welcome to Doomsday" by Bill Moyers. fun times.
Neal Stephenson is fucking great. I've got Quicksilver to read, and I should probably re-read Cryptonomicon and finish Snow Crash *I had to put it down to focus on school*. Also, cheers on Weaveworld. Clive Barker's epic books are fucking phenomenal. He gives Neil Gaiman a run for his money.

Nice one. Yeah my girlfriend is a mad Neal Stephenson fan, she's got all his books here. I'll get onto Quicksilver next I think. Also, if you liked Weaveworld, I heartily recommend Perdido Street Station By China Miéville if you haven't read it. It's a whole new level of dark fantasy.
Nice one. Yeah my girlfriend is a mad Neal Stephenson fan, she's got all his books here. I'll get onto Quicksilver next I think. Also, if you liked Weaveworld, I heartily recommend Perdido Street Station By China Miéville if you haven't read it. It's a whole new level of dark fantasy.

mmm. I'll definitely check out Mieville
I just finished reading American Tabloid and it's sequel The Cold Six Thousand by James Ellroy. Both pretty good, though pretty over the top at times. Set from the late 1950s in the US, using both fictional and real life characters (like JFK, J Edgar Hoover, Jimmy Hoffa etc) and (semi) fictionalising real events, like JFK's election and assasination, The Bay of Pigs etc.