You'll be a weepy, emotional mess by the end of it
Finished A Game Of Thrones. The twists near the end were really good. Was the guy who took Arya a previous character, or am I just imagining things?
maybe even by about 20 pages in, i know people who've started crying early on purely from the beauty of certain passages. pretty amazing for a book that's almost entirely unsentimental.
one of my friends said it best. She said, "He just has these one or two sentences sprinkled here and there that are just loaded with so much power, it's ridiculous."
btw...I'm approving of xkcd's recent moves to attract english/lit nerds:
that's the good thing about PKD books...they're all a breeze to read
btw...I'm approving of xkcd's recent moves to attract english/lit nerds:
I have no idea what this is, though.