The Books/Reading Thread

I think I have found a vital flaw with Lord of the Rings. Couldnt the Ringwraiths have found Frodo and company just by following their little piles of hobbit shit they leave behind?
Depends on the person. I read every day, but I love reading. :cool:

I would bet that most people don't, though; at least not good books. Most people probably read shit like John Grisham and Nora Roberts.
You can disagree with Rand's beliefs all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that it's still superbly written.

You have so many writers and "artists" claiming that greed is a bad thing. I, personally, think it's interesting to read something that argues the opposite.
My girlfriend lent me Watership Down, which means I have to read it.
Been putting it off but I might as well start it after I finish Plato's Phaedo tonight.

I should have her read the Aeneid in return for this.
Just picked up 'Enochian Vision Magic: An Introduction and Practical Guide to the Magick of Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley', as well as Crowley's '777 and other Qabalistic Writings'.
I read A Lee Martinez's "Monster". It was a fun and enjoyable read...reminded me a lot of Men In Black and Hellboy. Fun stuff. I was able to burn through it in two days