With what work should I start off with Dostoevsky?
Currently reading Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War. Can't believe it took me this long to get around to it. Simply stunning in its sense of scope and detail. Also working my way through The Portable Karl Marx.
Though typical, I really do think that Crime and Punishment is the best place to start with him.
Pretty good idea... Notes from Underground might be a good place also.
With what work should I start off with Dostoevsky?
If you want the Roman equivalent check out the works of Tacitus.
Will do. I've been meaning to get some primary Roman works anyways.
I bought and read in about two days Paul Auster's Travels in the Scriptorium. It's typical Paul Auster. It's very existential and short (only about 140 pages). The novel is about an old man who wakes up in a room with no knowledge of his past or who he is, and he has to put it all together. Pretty interesting stuff. if you've read Auster's other works, you'll really like it...might not be the best first book of his to start off with if you haven't read him
This sounds really interesting. I've never read any of his stuff.
Anyone here read any hard sci-fi? All I've read is some Stephen Baxter and Iain M. Banks and I really enjoy both.