Man, they need to try a little harder if they don't want you to notice how they ripped off them reverse sharkfin inlays. But then I guess that's pretty much ESP's business model.
The word you are searching for is the "Pearl, Pearlhouse" paint jobWhat do you mean "ripped off"? Like from Jacksons?
Then yes. ESP's been copying forever
I like the Arrow, cause it's not just another rhoads by ESP. The Andromeda finish is super cool. It's like what "car jocks" (what is the correct therm for this? And what is the therm/name for this in your country? In danish they're called Brians) sometimes have their WV Golf GTI's painted in. Under different lighting it turns greenish. Wish the whole guitar was painted like this
If theres one design on a rhoads style guitar i don't like, it's the new E-II SV. It's so redundant. Only thing separating it from Alexi's Sawtooth os the stupid Fishman Fluence active pickups and the painted neck.
show us what you got...Want me to draw a version that's like the Jackson V but creative unlike ESP's? Sure I can come up with something.
I'm still about to sell my white RR24M... just seems like an effort. If I start playing guitar again I want some neutral guitar that looks more natural or mature in a way and is for playing black metal and stuff.The RR is kinda made for virtuosic playing, but I just want something that's for playing dark and atmospheric stuff.
that is one fugly guitar lol, 11k for that piece of crap?? u know what kind of guitar u can have for 11k?Alexi's new Custom Shop Wild Scythe & ESP E-II Wild Scythe Guitars
Guys, I'm really considering to buy a Jackson JS32 BWB
I really like the colour of the body and I'm curious about those Jackson pickups I already listened to some presets on and they sounded promising, well not as good as the EMG 81 nor the mighty J50 series but not bad at all the only problem is imo that white pickguard, I rarely like pickguards on RRs and this one isn't an exception I have found an asian guy who has one with black pickguard which looks much more sexy.
But where can I buy it? It would be also okay if they sell black RR pg separately, but sadly they don't, maybe I should paintbrush the white one?