The crappiest thing now in your life?


Mar 6, 2008
And on the other end of the spectrum of all things positive,

- I have about reached the threshold of working fatiguing hours for the past 8 years. The routine just breaks the body and soul.

- I can't get my the drum mix to be as huge as Andy Sneap's, primarily the snare.

- I bought some Lavry converters and its taking too damn long to arrive.
Agreed. I use to do that and it was a really bad habit. Of course being brought down by things only means that you care enough about certain things in life. It's just about finding the right balance.
This is disturbingly weird...

In the other thread where everyone was writing how awesome their life is, I couldn't come up with anything to write. I'm sure there are many awesome things in my life, but I just can't "feel" them, atleast not at this moment. And same goes for this thread... I can't come up with anything bad at all, even though I'm sure there are quite a few bad things, but once again, I don't "feel" them enough to write about it.

I'm feeling disturbingly neutral... I don't feel a thing. Am I dead? :O
the crappiest thing is that the hamster of my girlfriend
died tonight and she wasn't at home.

Not sure what to do-the little guy (the coolest hamster in the world,
got into his wheel when I listend to fast metal :kickass: ) had a tumor and was very old.

That's it.
I recently scraped my car against a pole while parking. Totally my fault. Costs about $2k for the insurance company because I'm under 25.

We'd literally JUST got the car back from getting it fixed because Mum reversed into a tree as about 2 or 3 months before. Each repair cost the insurance company about $4000, and we paid $500 for the first, $2000 for the 2nd. A lot, but at least we're getting our money's worth out of the insurance company ^^.

Plus I got a scholarship for uni, having a high entry score, so I get some cash for that to take the pressure off. And I got a lot of other good things going, so I'm happy.

Whats REALLY pissing me off at the moment is this film we have to make for uni. Goddamn. The camera is a piece of shit. A $4000 piece of shit. It is grainy as fuck, even outdoors in bright weather. The viewfinder is too small - I fit my shots perfectly only to find out when I upload the footage that theres stuff on the outside which the viewfinder just decided wasn't important. And it turns itself off after 5 minutes. Resetting EVERY SINGLE SETTING.

That, and we have 3 of these cameras between 70 people at uni.

had to change tyres, oil , pay for technial examination and insurance for my car :/ and thus i`d have to wait for slate ex another month or two:/ . Damn german four wheel money eating, gas drinking sonovabitch :/.
That sounds idealogical. But burying it doesn't solve it either.

nah man i didnt mean bury it (although i used to do that a lot in the past), i just mean if something shit is happening, i try to find something positive in it, or concentrate on other parts of my life, obviously shit has to be dealt with but not dwelled on if that makes sense

deal with it, learn from it, move on.....kinda working for me at the moment

i just know if i dwelled on all the crap from the last year an a half i would be a SERIOUSLY depressed person, and i dont want that you know?
Im one of those persons that see life as a pain in the ass, but ive been soo fuckin' angry these last years its insane.
Dow days i just try to think "Meh, at least im still alive" each time i get pissed/depressed, and to be honest, it actually works pretty good.
Sure, im still a narcissistic bastard that most people cant stand, but im not nearly as bad as before! ;)
why is that a bad thing? you in relationship already?

No, but there's quite a distance between where we live... So things are probably doomed from the get-go. This bums me out quite a bit... probably more than I'd like to admit to myself.

Life play's some sarcastic games...