Ensiferum - From Afar
Oceans Of Sadness - Mirror Palace
Oceans Of Sadness - The Arrogance Of Ignorance
Opera IX - Symphonic Mysteriorum In Laudem Tenebrarum: The Black Opera
Opera IX - Maleventum

I'm shocked that people actually listen to this band. I started all the way back at the beginning, bought a disc, heard potential but didn't really dig it, bought the next disc and did the same...all the way to the disc you have pictured, and still I don't care for them a whole lot. The next disc will be different though, so Im buying it when it comes out lol
Amid It's Hallowed Mirth (reissue)
Of Sculptured Ivy and Stone Flowers
The Knowing
To Welcome the Fade (2-disc)
The Pale Haunt Departure
The Novella Reservoir
Into Night's Requiem Eternal

I'm not as into those last two as I am the early-to-mid period albums.

Cool, nice to see some people here who are well versed in this band.
Daylight Dies is an awesome band, but I'm guessing Jason will either not like them or dispute that they aren't really doom. Daylight Dies is one of those bands that can be heavy as hell but beautiful at the same time.

I assumed as much, and posted that mainly to mess with him a bit. I probably enjoy both bands equally. They're in the same neighborhood, but on opposite ends of the street so to speak.