@incendiaire: well, that's a real bummer. i really wish they right your mark asap.
@hilj: well, that's a real bummer. i really hope your body stops hurting soon.
nf: well, that's a real bummer. only less than usual. i had TEH hectic day, but right now my flat doesn't look like a festival site after the festival anymore. i also have a machine-readable passport and plane tickets to all places i have to go before the summer's over except for one. a few end-of-the-day drinks did me good, maybe far too good, but i'll only know tomorrow in the am.
oh, and you have no idea how sad it is to realize that there's only one person in the world whom i happen to know who feels the way i feel when certain therapy? songs start and this person probably doesn't care about that as much as i do nor misses the feeling of kinship half as much as i do. it's so sad it sometimes breaks my heart. then i want to scream but i only do things and more things, which is good because i get new patios and tons of air miles and a good career, but the feeling of oppression won't go away, especially because said kinship applies to stuff like songs and recognizing emotions and gazing skywards but, in a word, it doesn't apply to life anymore. how do you cope when you miss the pleasure in sharing reactions to a chorus in a song but you feel there's no understanding about big choices? and how do you cope if you start thinking that you've mistaken the former for the latter all along the way? only it's not that simple, it never was that simple. and i also listen to a lot of english oi bands from the eighties, now. no, not right now.
@hilj: well, that's a real bummer. i really hope your body stops hurting soon.
nf: well, that's a real bummer. only less than usual. i had TEH hectic day, but right now my flat doesn't look like a festival site after the festival anymore. i also have a machine-readable passport and plane tickets to all places i have to go before the summer's over except for one. a few end-of-the-day drinks did me good, maybe far too good, but i'll only know tomorrow in the am.
oh, and you have no idea how sad it is to realize that there's only one person in the world whom i happen to know who feels the way i feel when certain therapy? songs start and this person probably doesn't care about that as much as i do nor misses the feeling of kinship half as much as i do. it's so sad it sometimes breaks my heart. then i want to scream but i only do things and more things, which is good because i get new patios and tons of air miles and a good career, but the feeling of oppression won't go away, especially because said kinship applies to stuff like songs and recognizing emotions and gazing skywards but, in a word, it doesn't apply to life anymore. how do you cope when you miss the pleasure in sharing reactions to a chorus in a song but you feel there's no understanding about big choices? and how do you cope if you start thinking that you've mistaken the former for the latter all along the way? only it's not that simple, it never was that simple. and i also listen to a lot of english oi bands from the eighties, now. no, not right now.