@daniel: how long are you staying in sweden? sorry if you already mentioned that, i must have missed the post.
nf: not bad. i'm in palma de mallorca, attending an interesting conference, hopefully meeting with one of the people i like most on earth this afternoon. i also get good internet access for free. unfortunately in the next three days i will not able to spend time at sea (ahoy!), but i have the weekend for that. also, i got told half an hour ago that my new patio has been finished, so i hope to come home on sunday to a good-looking version of what used to be... i don't trust the workers enough to believe they actually have cleaned everything up, but the cleaning lady will take care of that in the afternoon.
oh, on a totally unrelated note: i've found out that living with an eye to pleasing people one cares about is really a waste of time, generally speaking. i'm not talking about close family and some close friends - those normally take notice of things you do for them and things you do for yourself and make you feel good/cool/accomplished. but most people, including some who shouldn't be that way, don't give a flying fuck if i am kind to them or if i do things that theoretically should make one go 'wow'. they are bound to take notice if i'm particularly evil to them, but only because this disturbs their routine. in other words, all people are shit, with maybe four or five exceptions.