ooer. Well if you return, let us know how it went. I wish I could do that. I meet people on the net, get friendly and then when they want to meet I suddenly break my leg and am in a car crash, or am currently in spain or whatever excuse I can think of to deter them from such scary thoughts.hyena said:right, i am about to go out for a blind date with someone i met on the internet about two hours ago. i'm not going to get killed since i have my own transportation and anyway i have a whole lot of details about the guy so i can scare him off serious crime - but this doesn't mean that i'm being smart, seeing how i've got to go to work then travel to see my parents tomorrow and all. eh well, choose life and good riddance to the bubu.
Dark_Silence said:@ siren: thats what a lot of people do, but i guess i will start something esle for 3 years and then re-try it cuz my mom wouldn't want me to change after 1 year (i guess). But i'd like to try again
That always sounds like a good plan at first, but from my experience sometimes it's a bit unrealistic. I don't know about schools that are around 3 years or generally easy, maybe it could work. But after a certain age and a number of years in a difficult field, it's just short of impossible. At some point all you want is to get finished with studies and start making money. Plus, imo, studying gets harder with age. Of course there are quite a few people who do that, if you have a big passion for something you can always find a way. I know people who get in my school after finishing another (which is plan b for them after failing to get in through exams). I used to think i would do the same, but nowadays i just look at them bewildered (me and my uni-mates usually think they're nuts for choosing this over an immediate good paying job). I have no way to know what happens with them after all, but if they manage to pull through this successfully, i bow and think they're heros. With nuts.Hiljainen said:that doesn't sound badactually it looks a lot like a "plan b" i have if what i'm doing in uni doesn't turn out good (after i finish) and i still want to pursue my first dream, and i find a lot of money