The definite, new "How Do You Feel" Thread

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Annoyed, because HoMM3 which i happened to download turned out to be all in polish. Isn't there any place to complain about mistreatment of honest, hard-working consumers of illegal material?
(ok there was *PL* in the file name but how could i've noticed that..)
Hey I do kind of own it but I couldn't find the cds anywhere, after all it's been long long time since i've played it.
I would've just needed it for next 6 days cause i'll have lots of free time in my hands and not much else than an old laptop to make that time go a bit faster. Well at least i have settlers II which is almost half as good.
And yes, i did notice the thread on imperiumi.
i tried to go register for college for plan b, but a teacher said it was really hard to find a job in that kind of studies, and he told me i should better study computer programming, data processing,... and then i didnt find any cheap apartment to stay, i will go to a school near the place where i live and study computer programming and all that stuff... i will have to work a lot because im really bad at maths... but its gonna be easy to find a job after, and i wont complain anymore because my computer isnt working after those studies :p

*shit it makes 3 more years to live in my stupid village*
Dark_Silence said:
Why does people expect that you know what you wanna do for a living at only 18? :hypno: :confused:

I've always been wondering that...

You shouldn't rush to take a decision because of people expectations or opinions. As Siren said, If you really want it, you must not to give up. You're the owner of your own life, and the only one responsible for your future. You can do your life a great stuff or a nightmare full of regreats. Those are your options.

Anyway, that's my opinion.
feel terrible today, well my fault, I drank faaaar too much the last days... friday I was at the sonata arctica gig in vienna, aftershowparty with vodka and whisky for 1 euro... saturday harvest fest with a terribly drunk aftershowparty till 5am at the escape bar (and unleashed and belphegor were really good when it came to never stop the vodka flowing hahaha)... yesterday I was in salzburg at the harvest festival, more drinks, came home at 3 am only and have to work now... feeling like I get too old for this shit, can someone shoot me? *dead*
Qsilver said:
Hey I do kind of own it but I couldn't find the cds anywhere, after all it's been long long time since i've played it.
I would've just needed it for next 6 days cause i'll have lots of free time in my hands and not much else than an old laptop to make that time go a bit faster. Well at least i have settlers II which is almost half as good.
Too bad. HoMM is the ultimate time machine right next to WoW. Settlers is a lot of fun too but for some reason I was never that good at it.
Nf: An impending sense of doom. First day at university today. I think the idea is that I make friends. It is freshers week. I'm just gonna do what I normally do and try and play it cool/lethargic. Let people talk to me or whatever. Gah, time is going so slowly.
Dark_Silence said:
Why does people expect that you know what you wanna do for a living at only 18? :hypno: :confused:

on the one hand, yes, this is quite unfair and pretty stupid, come to think of it. on the other hand, people don't come in sealed boxes - the fact that a choice made at such a young age influences your life also means that the person you grow into is shaped by that very same choice, besides being shaped by fundamental psychological traits. but i believe there is no such thing as an 'absolute attitude' which either you follow or you don't.
I've met many people who DID know what they wanted to do by the age of 18... lucky them. On the other hand, I find that I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to do back then, only I didn't realize it... but on hindsight, I think it was pretty obvious that I was going to take the path I took. Hmm though then again, I'm not 100% sure about what I want to do now, appart from not wanting to be stuck in this city for the rest of my life.

NF: good, as I got a really, really cool job. The only problem is I think I won't get paid. I keep getting the most amazing dream jobs (well, my dream jobs) but they never never pay! argh! at least this one will look good in my CV.
I have a headache :erk:

Still, I watched a discussion with all the heads of the parties that made it into the parliament. And Im sure Schröder was on drugs, on coke or something. I already mentioned his idea of becoming chancellor in a coalition with the christdemocrats, now I saw a lot more that made me think he was on coke. He was spoken to as "Mr. Chancellor" which is completely neutral and 100% correct in every way.. and he replied "How can you adress me like that??" and the reporter sits there, completely puzzled and says "You are still chancellor, are you not? Did you step down??" and Schröder says in this terribly convinced way of his "Im still chancellor alright and I intend to keep the post!" So he's 20 seconds into the game and already made it clear he's on coke, lol.
i went 1 day to college today but i didnt like it very much. the school was awful, and most of the people were stupid
and now my mom would like me to do a test to know what kind of studies i should do :ill:
Siren said:
then on the other (third) hand, i'm believing more and more each day, that you can never really know what a job is like, until you've finally seen/done it. so you might idealise something and regret your whole life that you didn't pursue it harder, but maybe if you do choose it, you will get disillusioned and you'll see it's not quite your cup of tea. so the bottom line is, you can never really know until you've tried it.

I agree. It´s nice to say all the time "if I had done that, my life would be so much better", and still never know what that would be really_like. Of course, when people have an absolut urgent feeling they should choose a certain kind of education/study/work, that´s like a fire in the night and shows them what they want.
But if in doubt, one should try to do the other alternative, maybe as a hobby/volunteering/work during holidays, so one would see a bit how it´s like.
I did turn one of my interests into a hobby, and after some years of doubt and agonizing, I´m now pretty sure that it´s a good hobby but not a great job, first of all because I very likely couldn´t do that anymore when I´m 45 and it´s not as "universal" as my main studies, it absolutely doesn´t fit into some other major life necessities. Also it can turn away a lot of fun when you do your hobby as main job. Surely that depends on what the topic is, I don´t say my thoughts work with everything, but for me this was the case.
So I´m glad I tried it because it helped me deciding and prevents a ton of "what_ifs" for the rest of my life.

PS: oh yeah, election sucked. Now it´s more unclear & unstable than before, congratulations, just the opposite of what was the whole intention in these forced-early elections. What do we do now, another one until the result is right?
But it also showed pretty clearly at least that not so many people really want that terrible woman becoming chancellor (not because she´s a woman, just she´s terrible...)
@hitori: working for no money is something my parents would never have allowed me to do (that is, if i didn't already have a paid job). that is important.


nf: hallucinated, only not literally. had a conversation with my brother, who said he's very shocked by the fact that morphine is making my father lose his mind. he said he will throw away the stuff the moment it's not needed anymore - he's reacting in this particular way (hating the drug) to the admittedly appalling fact that my dad, usually a very lucid man, has moments of heavy absentmindedness.

the knee-jerk reaction i had was to tell him: hold on, don't throw it away, i want some shots for myself to get through the evilness when death will call. but it seemed just too absurd, arguing with my brother over what will be done with leftover hard drugs. normally people fight over other types of bequests - money, houses, cars, whatever. not morphine.
I dont know what disease your dad has but thats my thaughts about morphine:

my granddad had to take morphine before he died from cancer. i think its better for seriously ill people to take some so they don't suffer all the time. I mean if they're going to die its better if they have a little better end that suffering a lot. I would prefer to see my grand a sleepy and absent-minded rather than twisted by pain.
i also know someone who got seriously burned on his legs in an accident, and I know that if he didnt have morphine at the beginning he would really have suffered a lot especially when the nurses have to change the bandages (it sticks to the skin). I know morphine is bad for your mind and that you cant take too much of it but still it is better not to suffer too much while recovering.
hyena said:
@hitori: working for no money is something my parents would never have allowed me to do (that is, if i didn't already have a paid job). that is important.
This reminded me of what I read on a Wikipedia page about Søren Kierkegaard, it's not his words but most likely an explanation on his stance on this issue:
"How is money an abstraction? Money gives the illusion that it has a direct relationship to the work that is done. That is, the work I do is worth so much, equals so much money. In reality, however, the work I do is an expression of who I am as a person; it expresses my goals in life and its ultimate meaning. As a person, the work I perform is supposed to be an external realization of my relationship to others and to the world. It is my way of making the world a better place for myself and for others. What reducing work to a monetary value does is to replace the concrete reality of my everyday struggles with the world--to give it shape, form and meaning--with an abstraction."
i was writing a cheer-you-up paragraph but i don't think it would have worked anyway. hang in there.

that's a cool quote, TFH :)

actually all the work i've ever done for free is very rewarding, only not in monetary ways
i've had no option about some of those jobs, because i was obligated to do them for my university (example, book fair job, teaching literature). i do have an option on some of the other jobs (helped out some friends with a tv show they had, the stuff i do for the zine) but i enjoy them on a personal level and learn a lot from them, i've met a lot of great people who are passionate about the same things, etc, so it was worth it

anyway, you and i are not only practically opposites, we're also in very different laboral areas. i think all the experience i can get goes a long way, and luckily for me my parents agree. and even if they didn't, they know it's my life, so "not allowing" me would be ridiculous, even for them. maybe if i'd already graduated and was living at home without contributing economically, it would be different, but as i'm still a student...
@Hitori: Thanks, you're always very kind. :) But you're right it wouldn't have worked. Actually out of the two things that could work, none is an option right now. So i'll let Mr. Time do his job. I'd love to go into analyzing the healing process and how deep wounds always leave scars, but instead i'll just go cut some eyes.
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