The definite, new "How Do You Feel" Thread

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NF: happy that i don't have a gf who calls me a pansy. :)

@Scourge: Ah, it will heal. Just sit back and relax, Dr. Time will do his job. Meanwhile, want me to stitch?
NF: Angry beyond words...i'm so sick of people who say one thing and then go and do something copletely opposite.
I now realise that my 4 year relationship is completely and utterly over, no more lying and pretending and no more listening to her bullshit. As far as im concerned she can fuck off for good.
i should have ralised by now that i have no one...

this is far too pathetic:Puke:
@Cuthalion: i'm so sorry. i really hate lies and dishonesty (especially from loved ones), so i think i can relate. welcome to the DT-loners' club, take a seat and a cookie.
@Siren: thanks, it's nice to belong
i shouldn't have drunk tonight, i get ideas after coulpe of beers and thats bad

Now listening
Therapy? - Screamager
@Cuthalion: ah, go to sleep then, should be enough to get the ideas out of your head.
Therapy? is such great therapy. Heh.
for the past 12 years, i have consistently believed that listening to Troublegum in relation to sentimental events is a VERY BAD SIGN. that's why i actually bought the original CD in the summer of 2003, after years of owning copies only. :p
hyena said:
for the past 12 years, i have consistently believed that listening to Troublegum in relation to sentimental events is a VERY BAD SIGN. that's why i actually bought the original CD in the summer of 2003, after years of owning copies only. :p

i totally agree with you, in the last 6 years there was nothing that Troublegum and a couple of beers didn't make go away:)
It is a strange album that i can't relate with anything else and it has worked so well for me
It IS a Very Bad Sign becouse if you can relate your sentimental events with Troublegum you are usually very near the bottom and you need some urgent drastic change in your life...
plus it is a very nice music for drinking beer:)
NF: exhausted.. i have a mountain to climb till wednesday, and yet i go up a different hill. some people are so annoyingly annoying.
nf: my plan looks like it's going to fail. ah, but we never get any distraction on this earth, we don't. :)
after only 3 weeks of university i have so many work for Thursday :(
im quite tired right now... im off to work on those projects

ps/ I have free high speed internet in my new appartment: some guys have a wireless thing but havent put any limits onit so my laptop can also have internet:) ... pretty nice!
I feel strange coming back here after weeks... (months?) of not being here. And quite a bit happening in my own life.

Hello everyone. What's the latest gossip? As for mine, I'm not telling. :p
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