Well, I found that pretty specific already
An example of the "save up life for later"-method is, that I go to only very few selected gigs and save up the money instead (which is usually ticket plus travel) because what I really want to see is Katatonia in Sweden, or Before The Dawn in Finland and such. In the past, when I acted so, doing without something always was rewarded by things even better. Like in 2001 I lived three months extremely frugal so at the end of the summer I could fly to Budapest and visit Sziget Festival, seeing HIM on stage and some friends, and I had the time of my life for two weeks. It was all worth it and more. Even the always_hoping that the band still exists when I finally go to see them
The thing that drives me insane is that this kind of living (not only concerning gigs but in general) completely contradicts the saying of "live every day as if it was your last", or "carpe diem" and what else you can find on this topic. But for me this never works. I plan very long-term, I´m very patient and I experienced often enough that my method is perfect for me. I have periods of time when I just work & study very much, and try to save money, and months were I travel and feel like I was already in heaven.
And this whole way of thinking applies to my general life plan, too, but right now I´m in a phase of saving up and cannot go anywhere, and lots of problems to solve, so sometimes it´s all difficult. Then I just know how much more grand the future is going to be (not because of mere dreams but because of facts) and the good things I have in my life, and try to get over it

Just I really can´t integrate that carpe-diem-thingy anywhere.... Probably it´s not for me