Right, same as here in slovakia. But we both know what to do, Ive started the business and you fiddle with stock market. We are swell!
UndoControl said:Odio esta existencia confundida sin ningún lugar a dónde ir más que dentro de mi propia soledad, esta existencia de sueños cortados, ambiciones inalcanzables y amor frustrado.
In english: I hate this confused existence with nowhere to go except into my own solitude, this existence of dreams cut short, unreachable ambitions and impossible love.
rahvin said:
well, that's an option, i suppose. nobel-prize winners are counting on me, after all. i'll be sure to mention you in my thanks list.
They indeed interfere nicely with each other. I know many a politicians who were made happy by this kind of interaction.fireangel said:So if you include both sides, it´s supposed to bring the least damage, because they nicely interfere with each other.
fireangel said:what was your contribution to the topic, actually?
Read "Red Mars", "Green Mars" and "Blue Mars" By Kim Stanley Robinson. Life would be horrible if only companies ruled.fireangel said:I don´t think that life would be so cool if only companies ruled (I mean, more than they are already doing nowadays ).
firangel said:what was your contribution to the topic, actually?
rahvin said:what topic?
Well, didn't you read the story game thread? Master rahvin's the mod of the universe (you know, keeping people from mindlessly spamming planets and starting flame wars without a good reason to do so).Siren said:you know, saving the world?