The definite, new "How Do You Feel" Thread

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NF: disappointed and betrayed, guess what, today i was told that since the guy who originally was my character at the play i was supposed to be in was agian in the mood to take part in it. So what followed was lots of bullshit about me beeing a very promising actor but due to the short period of only one month untill the premiere taking the old guy back would be the logical decision. They offered me to act in the reprise of the play (if there is one) and i kindly told them to fuck off. I feel very bad becouse this was one thing that kind of kept me in shape, i had something to look forward to and now when it's gone...Plus that girl that i liked...everything went down the drain:)
it's a sarcastic smile which is equivalent to 10 :( s

btw i'm not a great actor and i'm not sure for boyfriend either and your efforts to comfort me are much apprecieted but kinda suck :)
NF: great!!! finally I've got some more sleep. I woke up after 9,5 hours of sleep! :grin:

btw Undo - what about your problem about getting not much sleep? any progression there?

@marduk - poor you. Do you feel better now....a day after?
Yes, I do, with a big hole in my head an´ all, but fine. Very little work for today, our hockey team is doing great in Torino, had a great sex last..., oh wait, Id better stop - I feel goodish! :cool:
a colleague of mine died at age 26 - he somehow slipped in the bathroom and split his head open. how fucking surreal is that?
it's not that we were really close friends. if he had died in a car accident it would be different i think - but losing ones life like this is just a total waste. scares the shit out of me.
Dying in a car crash is just as stupid.
I'm sorry to hear that, mate.

NF: Alright... though i feel like i've wasted too much time. ;)

Geri: Not much progress, since i've tons of stuff to read for university. But i guess i'll gewt some sleep this weekend. Thanx for caring. :)
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