The definite, new "How Do You Feel" Thread

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@hyena: welcome back! glad you enjoyed your trip. :)

@D_S: you welcome back too, hope you're having fun. :p
NF: Pretty fed up with PCR and gel electrophoresis and DNA/RNA/protein sequencing and everything that has to do with either of those three things. After two weeks (including weekends) of reading article after article and bok chapter after book chapter and taking class after class about such things, who wouldn't be fed up with them?
I remember you. :wave:

I hate it when that happens. It's extremely annoying. Cover your nostrils with your fingers, close your mouth and try to blow air through your nose (the air will blow through your ears because it can't blow through your nose or mouth); it sometimes works.
I feel very good inside but outside, this stupid cold is really beginning to erode me. At least I wasn't that bad off for the shows.
NF like this forum has turned into a gaym-thread heavy chat room. Gonna take a break from this place for an unspecified amount of time.

Also nf extremely tired. :zombie: (Apologies for the crabbiness.)
@Undo : At least you still feel something. This means you're not dead. Comon man it's time you get out of this depression. You're more fun when you're happy.
Of course i am. Everyone's more fun when they're happy.

But fuck, man.. I've become sick of everyone at uni except for a handful of friends and teachers. Things aren't going too well inside of my head. UM is more boring than it was when i joined. I'm getting homework like "you have two days to read 5849678070 pages of boring information". I was supposed to join a new research lab, but the person who was going to give me the address hasn't done so, so i can't go and have a look. And i'm just sick of myself sometimes.


Sorry about that. Thanks for the cheering-up. :)
Please, young man, remember that emotions sometimes blur the vision even of the greatest of men (and women). You dont feel well right now, so all you see is a boring straight world, no pink handkerchiefs, no yellow VW beatles with green flowers, no David Hasselhof underwear - nothing, but dull heterosexual world. Well, maybe tomorrow youll wake up and feel a lot better and the whole world will look a lot different. So, write a few poems or let your mind wander through the perfect communist world, i.e. cheer up, buddy! :Spin:
Ahh, thanx for the good advice, mate. Regrettably, i'd much rather not see pink handkerchiefs, yellow VW Beetles with green flowers or DH underwear. :D And lately (and seriously) i haven't been able to produce any worthwhile literature. But i'll (try to) think positive (and maybe dress in green too. They say that's the formula to flying). ;)
UndoControl said:
Ahh, thanx for the good advice, mate. Regrettably, i'd much rather not see pink handkerchiefs, yellow VW Beetles with green flowers or DH underwear. :D And lately (and seriously) i haven't been able to produce any worthwhile literature. But i'll (try to) think positive (and maybe dress in green too. They say that's the formula to flying). ;)

That's the way! I've got four essays to do and I've also got to somehow get £200 by the end of March, but +ve thinking is an amazing thing... you never know, give it a go!

(:tickled: That's so corny it's unbelieveable)

NF: Happy after reading the two posts before :)
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