The definite, new "How Do You Feel" Thread

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@rs: :lol: @ 'edgy carebear'.

i had a fun night, slept loads, now will cook, have lunch, make phone calls, go to the gym, go buy wine and food, then proceed to a party where i won't meet anyone new and interesting, probably (but there are some people i've known for a few years who are not that bad).
NF: I have a horrible headache.....and I hate it ....always the same: 1-2 days duration and no medicine that can help me :ill:
i just got back from work and i feel restless, i don't want to go to sleep although it is pretty late, i think that i have another one of those crushes, i'm turning into a teenage girl :)
last night party was teh bore. almost everyone was over 40, and i was the only drunk person. then a couple of my mates came, reviving the scene, but it was too late. on the other hand, i am achieving impressive levels of physical efficiency: it must be all the heavy metal i'm listening to.
@hyena:Surely ;)...oh,and saw somewhere that you've taken Narcissa from Harry Potter books-I really can't remember that character,so if you could post in which book is she and who was she...thanks
@geri; wildfyr; mardy: get better soon!
that's an order! :p

NF: quite ok. went to the movies last night, and then for drinks. as a result i slept too late and woke up even later..
nf: dismal. i had to help a friend through computer stuff today and she's coming over tonight for more of the same. ewwww.
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