The Definitive Rose of Sharyn DI + Backing

Here's my attempt. The DIs were absolutely awesome. Well done to the OP. :rock:

Didn't do too much in terms of processing. EQ was LP/HP and a slight cut at around 250Hz and 1KHz.
(I mixed on headphones so it may sound like crap!)
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Here's my quick mix for the first time using a real amp. i got a new head the other day, since my old one has been broken the whole time. not the best amp but i needed some tubes, and for 200 bucks, i couldnt pass it up! also didnt use a reamp box, just routed the signal to my AudioBox and used that as a "reamp box". so help me out here, if you will! Forum/RoseOfSharyn.mp3

DI > TS9 > Peavey ValveKing > GT412 > Sennheiser e835 > AudioBox > DAW

GTR bus just has a little bit of post eq and some saturation and limiting, as well as andy's c4 setting.

they say the ValveKing is terrible for metal/hi gain, but even considering its my first time, and with less than decent room/mic conditions, i dont think it's half bad :) though, the mic didnt quite capture enough of the real tone i was hearing in the room, and in the mix, i can hear something odd going on in the midrange but i couldnt quite cut it out to taste.

but please, if anyone even hears/sees this post, let me know how you feel about it! i really want to improve what i know about using real amps!
Someone, who is not a metal player, did a reamp with the Kemper modeling amplifier, for which he's a beta tester :

quote : "There are 2 rhythm guitars panned hard left and right, done with the Kemper supplied "Dual Boogie Hi Gain" profile and 2 clean guitars - near the end - done with supplied "Dual Boogie Clean" profile. There were two other rhythm guitars in the ZIP file but I did not use them.

I did not make ANY adjustments on the KPA, dry amp+cab profiles, no reverb, etc.

In Pro Tools I put a limiter/maximizer on the whole mix, that's all."

What do you think ?
When I look at your DI's they really look like there's a limiter used, but I read in your first post it's just raw. I also think there's quite some distortion coming from your EMG, do you pick really hard or something? My signal from my EMG 81 looks more dynamic, just like passive pickups and the DI's from a friend as well. Just wondering, because your DI's still sound a bit better than what I'm getting from mine.
Haha... I did a quick test reamping this with match EQ. "Quick" meaning it took me about 3-4 minutes to do this. So this is "Rose of Sharyn" with the guitar tone from "My Curse". Sorry it's a bit overcompressed and the guitars could be a tad louder.

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I'm kinda new around here... really enjoyed doing this yesterday - let me know what you guys think.

Play loud :Spin:

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Here's mine:

Fractal Audio Axe II
Dirty guitars are 6160 - High Pass at 140
Clean is USA CLean2
Octave guitar is Citrus RV50
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And another one, this is great fun.
Thanks JeffTD for providing these exellent tracks, you're a great player.

The download link won't work for me, it worked a few days ago but I didn't have time to finish downloading it...

Edit: Works again now