Here's my quick mix for the first time using a real amp. i got a new head the other day, since my old one has been broken the whole time. not the best amp but i needed some tubes, and for 200 bucks, i couldnt pass it up! also didnt use a reamp box, just routed the signal to my AudioBox and used that as a "reamp box". so help me out here, if you will! Forum/RoseOfSharyn.mp3
DI > TS9 > Peavey ValveKing > GT412 > Sennheiser e835 > AudioBox > DAW
GTR bus just has a little bit of post eq and some saturation and limiting, as well as andy's c4 setting.
they say the ValveKing is terrible for metal/hi gain, but even considering its my first time, and with less than decent room/mic conditions, i dont think it's half bad

though, the mic didnt quite capture enough of the real tone i was hearing in the room, and in the mix, i can hear something odd going on in the midrange but i couldnt quite cut it out to taste.
but please, if anyone even hears/sees this post, let me know how you feel about it! i really want to improve what i know about using real amps!