The Dinner Pictures Thread

I changed my mind and used the Alton Brown recipe, since I hadn't tried that one before either. I had them each on half of the paper and eeny meeny miny moed it.

Regardless, my doughs are always too heavy. I don't know if its due to the King Arthur Wheat flour I use, or the fact that when it comes to stretching out the dough I am terrible at it and abuse it terribly. I'm betting on the flour because when I use cheapo bleached white flour it comes out fluffy, so it must have something to do with gluten levels or whatnot. Also I think I'll invest in a rolling pin for flattening out the dough.

The okra ruled. Impressive enough to try it as a topping more often.

By the way the other topping is PULLED PORK
I ate half of that pizza and immediately passed out afterward. Though it was probably due more to the number of Pamprins I've been popping today, I'd like to blame it on the pizza instead.

Yeah okra rocks on pizza. What a good idea I had! :p

That looks GLORIOUS!
No no, the second one there was much better because I used bread flour. I dare say it was spectacular

It turns out wheat flour isn't a simple 1 to 1 replacement for bread/AP flour :(
It looks awesome. I'm not much of a salmon fan aside from eating it smoked. I should try more with it but I prefer mild white fish like cod, halibut, and sea bass (which is endangered so I had to quit it).

Fresh dill is awesome.