The divide between acceptable and unacceptable metal to admit to listening to.

Der Morgenstern

Trailer Park Bacchus
Jul 25, 2006
Ft. McMurray, AB/Québec City, QC
I find it very strange when the so-called metal 'purists' lash out every now and then, not only in the general discussion forum on this forum, or across the internet at large, about what constitutes acceptable metal to listen to and what is considered 'sell-out, unacceptable' metal, whether it be from the degenerate, naive twats at ANUS, or what have you.

The reason I bring this up was because I bore witness to a discussion recently between a younger metal fan who stated that he enjoyed the last two Machine Head albums because they had very nicely done thrash influences to their material and a lot of the riffs were well put together. Now, he caught a lot of flack from some of the older members who screamed about how Machien Head constituted one of the members of the 'nu-metal' crowd, abloobloobloo. Now, this brings up a genuine and serious question I have you for your lot:

What is your take on this apparent backlash that's taken place lately by certain groups of metalheads against bands such as Machine Head, Lamb of God and Pantera. Do you find it justified? Not justified?

I find it amusing how people can jump on other people over what they listen to.
I've always thought insulting Pantera is as bad for a metalhead as insulting Mohammed for a Muslim. I've certainly heard all the Lamb of God and Machine Head bashing. If people don't like the bands, fair enough, but to insult people over their taste in metal is sometimes too far.
I've always thought the bashing of Pantera was ridiculous. Machine Head and Lamb of God both have their moments... I don't bash either, though I don't rate either band very highly either. Man, I said either a lot in that sentence. Either! Either! Either! Either! Either! Either! Either!
On a personal level, I'm not a Pantera fan, nor am I a LoG or a Machine Head. I didn't get into metal through traditional means. I had the luxury of having an older brother who got me into bands like Entombed, Cryptopsy, Darkthrone, Kreator, etc right from the start, but I also recognize that a lot of people got into metal thanks to bands like Pantera so I see it is as a major blunder to suddenly view them as being a burden to the US metal scene.

Just a total lack of respect really.
I think there has been a bit of Pantera bashing going on recently and its not justified. What people I think have forgotten is that its the bands that constantly cite Pantera as their prime influence to try and gain popularity and that has worn a bit thin. But its evolved into direct bashing of Pantera.

As for flaming people for the music they listen to, its pointless and stupid. Fair enough state your opinion of the band(s) in question but comments directed at the person in question really are unacceptable. I don't give a toss what people think of the music I listen to, I like it thats all that matters to me. But if they were to start insulting me for it they can fuck off.
I'm sick of people on metal forums who think they can try and fit in by bashing Metallica and Slayer and all those other "mainstream thrash bands." I really like this particular forum because no one is afraid to share their opinions. Hell, if I had said Gorgoroth or the Melvins or some other totally shitty overrated band sucked on other forums, I would have been killed. :lol: Goodness, people can be ridiculous
Yeah, hating on bands such as the big four is the in thing to do, and supposedly gives you instant credibility as a metalhead (somehow).

It's just ridiculous how sheepishly people hate the bands that are popular to hate at the moment. In the case of Pantera, these people must forget the influence Pantera had on metal, and that their favourite bands were probably influenced by Pantera, and they probably used to like Pantera before they discovered it was cool not to.

What's next? Black Sabbath bashing?
Yeah, but I dislike Pantera because I dislike Pantera, not because it's cool. :lol:
A lot of these people seem to partake in this kind of thing in order to try and create a false feeling of superiority. *Activates flame shield*

This. And also because its "cool" I guess. *shrug* You like what you like, I like what I like. Insulting people based on musical preference is stupid. Thats like saying "FUCK YOU! ORANGE IS BETTER THAN GREEN!" :lol:
I like what I've heard of Pantera (CFH, VDoP)
I don't like what I've heard of Machine Head (A few random songs)
I kinda like what I've heard from Lamb Of God (first album)

I got into metal by taking a big leap from Thousand Foot Krutch and Billy Talent to Metallica and Megadeth. Then I heard Thrasher by Evile and the world of metal was suddendly part of me:p

I don't like people bashing other genres beacuse they think it's cool. I think it's acceptable though if they hae valid arguments to not listen to them though. Trying to prevent other people from listening to it. If someone says "I like Slipknot" I usually go like: "Yeah, do that. I'm gonna go listen to some Death now"

Allthough I AM guilty of trying to make people like thrash and death metal (sometimes even black metal:p) But at least I don't go "Stop listening to that crap! Listen to REAL METAL instead!!!!"




Who the fuck is saying Gorgoroth is overrated?


They are undoubtedly hugely overrated, musically. Their status as one of the biggest bands in black metal is simply due to the controversy surrounding the band and it's members, not their music. Which the band themselves have been known to admit comes second to their message and image.