The DT forum member survival thread


Apr 13, 2002
Okay. Here's a proposal for the survivor: each of us gives the name of a candidate and a short (max two lines) description. The candidate can't be you, it has to be someone else, and please not everyone pick the ultrapopular ones. We want the underdogs too. When we reach 40-ish candidates we pair them casually and then we let the survivor begin. Sounds fun. My candidate:

Ladycal - a mysterious German dragon lover, lurking behind biology books and spreading the word of Power Metal in the world around her.

Hhhhmmm well no one pick me.

Thanatos- Mexican child molester, who likes hurting peoples feeling b/c of his shitty view of himself. His likes are being a pedophile and date raping.

Nick(wonders if Rahv and Rei pick each other)
@Nick: you think you are so funny, immature cunt?

T (thinking about whom to choose, maybe Malveaux :tickled: )
@hyena: survivors work a little differently from the way you proposed (usually polls are made and in a given time the option getting most votes on each poll has to go), but pairing names might actually be faster and less time-consuming, so ok:

mousewings - a young canadian vampire hailing from a mystical board called "the bridge", or possibly "the fridge", she struggles constantly to lure unsuspecting long-haired death metallers to her web of pleasures, with the secret aim of leaving her country for good. :)

@nicktheclayman: see, we don't. :p

It's interesting how we start looking like the Opeth board. Next thing we'll start a "Your ideal DT forum members' couple" thread and then downhill to millions of sex threads.

Siren (don't want to be a part of this)
Ok, I'm game (oh, that reminded me of a shitty show on american tv :lol: )

My champion:
Villain - Dr. Tranquillity, hails from Finland, that cold hellhole next to Sweden, Lives, breathes and shits DT :D
Originally posted by Siren

Siren (don't want to be a part of this)
i don't want to be a part of this too, but i'm sure rahvin is wise enough to not let the things to go that way...

DoAsISayNotAsIDo ( desperately agrees Siren)
Originally posted by DoAsISayNotAsIDo
i don't want to be a part of this too, but i'm sure rahvin is wise enough to not let the things to go that way...

DoAsISayNotAsIDo ( desperately agrees Siren)
Apart from the fact, that I don't think smt like that is totally in rahvin's hands, since it depends on the inner qualities of all the board members, that's not the main reason why i disagree with this.

I just don't like this whole thing, since i see it as rather pointless and perhaps even shallow.
People here more or less know who are the ones that like them and who are the ones that don't, so what's the point in screaming it out loud?
Some people are bound to be left out, and the thought that even one person in here might feel bitter or left in the margin or whatever, forces me to object.
Besides, people that don't visit the board often, will most probably be forgotten. Will this imply they're not real forum members? They're not good enough? What?

Siren (and to the smartasses that will suggest i fear for myself, i tell this: i don't give a shit, cause i know who are the ones who love me and care for me, and i need nothing else.)
i see siren, you're complaining about the some superficial threads and meaningless posts if i understand it correctly. But i meant rahvin is admin of this board, he must have a lot of things to do. I believe DT board won't be a opeth board don't worry...

DoAsISayNotAsIDo ( always posts late:mad: )
i don't really have that much to say on the subject.
i reckon almost everyone on this board has no problem whatsoever in knowing this is a game and not a way to be unpleasant to people. those who think they might feel hurt won't be forced to take part (it seemed obvious to me), those who are willing to take part have all the right to do so.
this thread is of course pointless and shallow, and so is my "1000 reasons" thread, and so are most off-topic threads here. pointless and shallow is also chatting and flaming ppl who don't like the records we do like. now, if all the critics mean is "this is below my level, i can do better", i'd suggest those who feel this way to show everybody so. but if they mean i ought to come and call all funny, shallow, pastime threads abuses so that we can self-consciously contemplate our belly buttons for ages to come, i say no way.
if you don't like somebody's thread you just ignore it. repeated attempts at prophesizing disasters take place every month or so, mostly on the part of regulars who woke up in a bad mood. so far they were all wrong and i intend them to stay that way.

this sounds like pure folly to me. online boards related to musical groups ARE entertainment, as opposed to stuff that tends to be serious, like: work, family, friends, having kids, being gravely ill, etcetera. of course i wanted to have fun, and i think that those who want to participate are accepting that they might be excluded (in jest) from the race. people who think that not winning a popularity round on this board is hurtful should, indeed, relax and maybe get a life. people who think that some electronic forum should be devoid of irony and light-heartedness should definitely ponder on where they are, or aren't, in life: why do you have to get so angry? please do be a little less stuck-up. and leave rahvin alone because i am the one responsible for the thread and you shouldn't get mad at no-one else. i don't give a damn about this thread or other threads, but i want this forum to be a fun place, not third-class psychological violence galore.

Agreed with Hearse. This is just for a laugh, and if you don't agree with it, then don't post or read this thread. Deep philosophical discussion on the validity of this thread is absurd :rolleyes: