The Yngster

Dude you really are being more of an asshole than any of the Symphony X fans.
The Yngster said:I'm sorry not everybody loved your favorite band... it happens.
The Yngster said:You think people aren't assholes to Symphony X while their on stage?
I'll second this! I happen to be a huge Symphony X fan, and I also like some of Devin's material. I try to have a very open mind about a band and even if they aren't my thing, I would still be respectful. I would never boo anyone.Yngvai X said:You know its not Symphony X's fault that some of their fans are such stuck up prog fucks they can't enjoy good metal music. I'm one of the SyX fans thats a huge powermetal fan and I see a decent share of powermetal bashing at the SyX forum (not saying DTB is powermetal, just that I know how some prog fans get towards non complicated music, you think some of the proggy SyX fans are bad, you should see some Dream Theater fans). I like SYL, I enjoyed DTB's set and he got, from what I could tell, a pretty good reaction at my show (Farmingdale). My question to you, oldlyonfreak, is why, if you hate how some SyX fans got towards Devin, allow yourself to stoop down to the same level of insults towards both SyX and their fans? Especially being sort of a spokesperson for Devin, it really doesn't show a high level of tact or professionalism on your part.
oldlyonfreak said:SYMPHONY X sounds like a pale copy of Yngwie MalmsteemQUOTE]
That comment pretty much discredits any statement you make about music whatsoever. You do Devin a great disservice with your ignorance and your childish behavior. I hope people don't think that the type of person you are displaying yourself as is a reflection of the type of person Devin is.
kleo706 said:I don't think Devin is an irate frenchman. Of course... that would explain the hair.
ShredManWalking said:I think this is just a terrible mixup, more than anything else, a miscommunication.... I just don't know.
Devin always rips on the crowd, it's part of his act. MOST people find it funny.OfSinsAndShred said:Wow, touchy. I think it was pretty unprofessional the way Devin acted. At the Cleveland date, he said, "A lot of you guys are probably better guitarists than me, but fuck you, 'cause I got the record deal." Why be an asshole? I LIKE talking to better guitarists than me! Either way, he's as much a dick as the fans.
And I enjoyed Devin a lot, even though SX is my favorite band and I've never heard DTB before. So fuck you and your generalizations.
SXProgMetal said:hey oldyonfreak or whatever the hell ur name is ( oldyonretard is a better name for u , suits u better ) .... ur a fuckin idiot and u make urself look foolish and immature ... grow up .... ok cool ... i let it out lol , now i can go back to guitar practice![]()
You do Devin a great disservice with your ignorance and your childish behavior.