the dynamite politics thread

Yeah, I'm just feeling a bit wacky today. Possibly because it's almost 5 pm, and I've yet to eat anything (scurries off to make some soup or something). In a topic-related incident, I just got my voter card in the mail, so this time around, I'll actually have a say. Whoohoo...

:lol: @ Salmy signal

About the IP thing, basicly it's too hard for anyone to bother, even
if it was possible to write a script for it and I'm not totally sure if that
is possible.

And of course the vote can be manipulated in many ways, but is it
really worth the trouble? It's not like you're really voting you know.
Salamurhaaja said:
And of course the vote can be manipulated in many ways, but is it
really worth the trouble? It's not like you're really voting you know.
i don't know about that. in the off-chance that some small part of the public opinion could be influenced by the results of these polls, i'm sure a few zealots (of either party, obviously, but see above for further considerations) would be ready to go out of their way to have them show the result they like better. i mean, people do it for polls involving metal bands, after all.
hyena said:
you don't need to be a republican or a statistician or both to understand that the "what if the world could vote" site is totally unbelievable.
Although what you say about the believability of the site is most correct, the results actually do reflect the real surveys made in several countries about the issue: The majority of the world would like to see Kerry as the president of the USA rather than Bush.

Me, I'd vote for Bush. For the simple reason that he is much more likely to bring the USA down in flames.

While I do believe that the world would probably become much safer and possibly more united in the issues that matter if Kerry was to lead the most powerful country in the world, I still doubt he could topple the fascist military/oil-industry syndicate that truly holds the power in this world. The USA would still deprive and exploit the rest of the world, wage wars at least once in every ten years and use its power to deal terror and death on innocent people. I just can't believe Kerry could change that anymore than Clinton could.

I am willing to "pay" (well, abstractly speaking, as I'm really not the one paying) a few million deaths of innocent children in third world countries that the "four more years" will unavoidable cause (just for comparison, during the past four years, some 40 million children died "unnecessarily" according to Unicef - a fraction of the money and effort put into the war against Iraq would have saved them all), for the small chance that if Bush is going to be elected, there might be a civil war in the USA.

I keep my fingers crossed.

Villain said:
The majority of the world would like to see Kerry as the president of the USA rather than Bush.
regardless of the parties involved, the idea that the citizens of other nations could even have a say in who gets to rule a certain country is completely identical to the kind of imperialism that the u.s. support. the majority of the world could be willing to see mikey mouse as the president of the u.s.a. for all i care, but thankfully it's still the u.s. citizenship who gets to choose.
rahvin said:
regardless of the parties involved, the idea that the citizens of other nations could even have a say in who gets to rule a certain country is completely identical to the kind of imperialism that the u.s. support. the majority of the world could be willing to see mikey mouse as the president of the u.s.a. for all i care, but thankfully it's still the u.s. citizenship who gets to choose.
I agree wholeheartedly. Those surveys are just a game, akin to our very own DT Song Survivor, and should not be taken any more seriously (after all, it was Homer Simpson that most Europeans would choose over either Bush or Kerry). Still, they are rather fun and provide for some interesting discussions once in a while - again much like the Survivor. :cool:

Villain said:
Me, I'd vote for Bush. For the simple reason that he is much more likely to bring the USA down in flames.

Well, to be honest my vote would most likely go to Bush too, only for
one simple reason: Better the devil you know...
Of course this would also bring about the end of the world much sooner,
so not a bad deal all in all.

I wish the race wasn't between 2 people tho, it's very limiting, but
not much we can do about that I suppose.

Villain said:
Those surveys are just a game, akin to our very own DT Song Survivor, and should not be taken any more seriously

Hey now, the song survivor is serious business :rock:
well, as a rap fan i have mixed feelings. it's not a bad rap and the distorted guitars make a good impression, but the flow is mediocre. it's like a young greg graffin writing rap lyrics, it tries to be scholarly before trying to be good. not to mention the actual content, but that wasn't the point - just talking as one who listens to rap.
Unfortunately you seem to have forgotten the original roots of rap,
it was mostly political/social criticism, not this wannabe gansta crap.
Just look at something like The Sugarhill Gang's Rappers Delight or
pretty much anything from Public Enemy.

So in that sense the scholarly sense is nothing new in rap and to be
honest, when rap was about something other than Ho's and bling bling
it was actually rather tolerable.
well, i agree with what you say, but take eminem's "square dance": it's as anti-bush as the next rap, but it's got incredible flow besides. that's what i call a good rap.
Well, I guess one mans flow is anothers blow :lol:
(sorry, I just had to)

And I wouldn't know that one, so can't say anything.
I definetly enjoy the guitars and lyrics on Supa Dubya.
Ok - i didn´t read the whole thread, just gave a glance at the overview of latest posts - but:

I was reading a finnish ex-tv-now-just-a-basic-hunt-down-celebrities -magazine Katso today, when I got got this angry wave (I drove me to madness later on) that is still controlling my fierce fingers: american musicians, actors and actresses telling people to vote in the next elections. How fucked up is that?

First they gain lost publicity with Anti-BUSH (musicians) and lost souls of Hollywood try the same thing.
One day I get to read how she (whatever being, female) lost 15 kg in a month, and the next one how she got to lick the dick of Jack Nicholsson, and now she is telling people to vote in election - and also how: against Bush, no matter how rotten Kerry also is.
Even bad-ass-rapper-whatever P-Diddy (Puff Daddy he used to be) shows with his cool shirt that it is important to vote, although I am quite sure that he even cannot vote, because of serious up-fucking in the past.

If rockers try to be politics (socially aware in any way), why don´t they try to something more significant that whining at something so ridiculous as election of next yank president?
As far as I know, not even USA is ruled by one white man.
- It is cool to say no to Bush, and sing of love that still hurts.

@Hyena: Square dance is excellent! :D
At first when I heard it (i downloaded the album about 1-2 weeks ago) I didn´t like it, but on the next listening-time I started taking it as one of the finests in the album.
Naku ist krig said:
oh me oh my. this sounds like the italian word for "cock". :lol: only with different spelling, we write cazzo. i'm trying to imagine a Cazzo magazine in this country, but all that comes to mind is porn. :lol: :lol:
hyena said:
oh me oh my. this sounds like the italian word for "cock". :lol: only with different spelling, we write cazzo. i'm trying to imagine a Cazzo magazine in this country, but all that comes to mind is porn. :lol: :lol:
Well, truth be told, most porn-magazines I know of (not that I know many, but anyway) have far better articles than the utter crap that is Katso. If I had to bring you an example of the worst qualities in Finnish journalism, Katso would be it. Luckily, not all Finnish magazines are like that.

fireangel said:
US - elections:

Different voting equipment used (pdf)

Top 10 ways to rig a voting machine

E-vote flaws

The computerexperts may comment on the last two links, I am obviously not one, so people can discuss if it´s realistic what they explain there.

If it's on a computer, it's possible to fuck with it.
Just a sad fact of computers.

What makes the difference is, how hard it would be and would you require
local access to the system and in this case I think that would be needed.

Of course the embedded OS matters too and unfortunately I think they use
Windows and I guess we all know how secure those are, especially if you
have local access.

As I've said many a times before, if it's made by man, it can be broken by man.
right, i'm going to bed because i've had a tough day, a tough workout, and i have a tough life as of late... so i'll miss the moment the results of the election come out, i will know tomorrow upon waking up i guess.

i'll be a good sport and wish all kerry supporters good luck... successfully finding a solution for their candidate's unemployment come next week. :p