The End website, WOW!


Black Heart
Aug 21, 2001
Elmhurst, Ill. USA
Visit site
I know I've seen several people here talking about the End online cd store before, but I've never used it until today. All I can say is WOW!! Great selection, great prices and FREE shipping to the US!! I got the new Arch Enemy double cd for $11.50, Pan-Thy-Monium 2-disc reissue set for $11.50 and Wolverine-The Window Purpose for $11!!! All of this with free shipping! I will never shop anywhere else for new cds again. Thanks.
The End Records are great. Their store is just awesome, and as a label they have some of the greatest bands. Arcturus, Scholomance, Green Carnation, Agalloch, Winds, etc.

Anyway, I just ordered stuff from their monday night. Arcturus - Sham Mirrors, Arch Enemy - Wages of Sin, and My Dying Bride - Dreadful Hours. Should be here on monday.
Here is the message I get when I try to enter the online store on the end records site:

Store Server Error: As configured, this server does not permit shopping. "

?????:confused: ?????
my local CD store is becoming increasingly shitty, so i figure i'll give all my business to The End: with as good a deal as they have, they certainly deserve it.
I'd like to buy my cd's from The End as well, and
I have done it once, but it's too expensive for
me, cause here in Norway we have to pay an
import duty if we order cd's, or anything else, for
more than 200 Norwegian Crowns, which is like
1,5 cds!?! :eek:( This sucks, since you can find a
lot of great cd's all at The End... :eek:/

But, I guess I'll throw in an order in not too long,
just have to check if it's worth it first...
Originally posted by Lee_B

You can find a lot of the same stuff from for pretty much the same prices. I know that here in the UK you don't have to pay shipping duty on items from europe, only those places outside (I just got a big customs bill for some DVDs I ordered from Hong Kong .. :()


Thanks for the tip man, but it doesn't help much :eek:(
I would still have to pay import duty.... It has
become really strict, sometimes you even have to
pay if you order from Sweden, but not in all cases,
depends on the shop etc. Crazy system >;oP Hehe...

But I did some calculations, and I will save A LITTLE
on buying from the end or prophecy.... not much,
but some money....hehe... So now I have to find out
where to get my package, since they don't send it
to the postoffice when I have to pay that duty
thingie >:eek:P
It sure does work now, if not, then I just had a wierd hallucenation where I ordered 2 Theory in Practice CD's