The ENSLAVED thread

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But why should I back it up? It's been said many times before on this thread - Enslaved's gimmicky synthesis of 70s prog and black metal just not worth the time - it's irrelevant. So why are people listening to a 2nd rate copy instead of the originals like Emperor and Camel? Simply - it's easy to listen to. You can recline and say "ahhh, this is good" without ever putting your mind to it. Same reason people listen to pop. People take an obsession with music on this site - collecting thousands of cd's simply because they enjoy them without thinking about the reasons they listen to it or what benefits they derive other than pleasure. Wait a couple of years you'll understand
But why should I back it up? It's been said many times before on this thread - Enslaved's gimmicky synthesis of 70s prog and black metal just not worth the time - it's irrelevant. So why are people listening to a 2nd rate copy instead of the originals like Emperor and Camel? Simply - it's easy to listen to. You can recline and say "ahhh, this is good" without ever putting your mind to it. Same reason people listen to pop. People take an obsession with music on this site - collecting thousands of cd's simply because they enjoy them without thinking about the reasons they listen to it or what benefits they derive other than pleasure. Wait a couple of years you'll understand

Jesus your a fuck-tard
But why should I back it up? It's been said many times before on this thread - Enslaved's gimmicky synthesis of 70s prog and black metal just not worth the time - it's irrelevant. So why are people listening to a 2nd rate copy instead of the originals like Emperor and Camel? Simply - it's easy to listen to. You can recline and say "ahhh, this is good" without ever putting your mind to it. Same reason people listen to pop. People take an obsession with music on this site - collecting thousands of cd's simply because they enjoy them without thinking about the reasons they listen to it or what benefits they derive other than pleasure. Wait a couple of years you'll understand

Wow, you're not unbelievably closed minded and elitist, are you? What you just said is one of the most rediculous things i think i've seen around here. Enslaved is NOT like pop music, for a number of glaringly obvious reasons, and i don't believe people listen to them for the same reasons they listen to pop.... at least that's not the main reason. Even if it were, what's wrong with that? Music doesn't have to be challenging to be enjoyable. Fuck, it doesn't even need to be challenging to have some replay value.

Here's my asessment of what's going on. You're pretty sure you know more than anyone here about music. You believe if you can't enjoy something, it's because of how awesome you are and anyone who can is simply missing the awesome. You are trolling and probably think it's awesome fun (also because of the awesome you posess).

In short. GROW THE FUCK UP and stop trying to justify your inability to enjoy certain music by making it someone else's downfall. What are you, 12?
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But why should I back it up? It's been said many times before on this thread - Enslaved's gimmicky synthesis of 70s prog and black metal just not worth the time - it's irrelevant. So why are people listening to a 2nd rate copy instead of the originals like Emperor and Camel? Simply - it's easy to listen to. You can recline and say "ahhh, this is good" without ever putting your mind to it. Same reason people listen to pop. People take an obsession with music on this site - collecting thousands of cd's simply because they enjoy them without thinking about the reasons they listen to it or what benefits they derive other than pleasure. Wait a couple of years you'll understand

i've read this a couple times and im trying to see the point in this? so we shouldnt listen to bands that use their influences in their music? instead of listening to enslaved's prog moments we should throw on some camel, and some emperor for the black metal moments? It's a shame that you have no point at all. So I should go throw away all of my cd's and vinyl's of bands that use something from their influences? That aren't entirely original?

I think it's ironic that of all the times for you to bring up this point you should do it in an enslaved thread. a thread about a band that mixes prog/black metal/ etc. together, which in my opinion is so fucking original and well done. A band that is doing something completley new and original and you say that nothing about them is new? Why do you even post on the Opeth forum then? Isn't Opeth just a bunch of Camel/Deep Purple/Morbid Angel influenced stuff put together?
HD raises some valid points. Later Enslaved is a classic case of a band hanging on through craft long after the passion to create is gone. Everything they do is calculated to create the impression of difference rather than to actually communicate anything. The music is highly consonant and dynamically obvious (softLOUD), and vocals aside, it works like mainstream pop and rock. The epic scope of narrative songwriting, dynamic subtlety, challenging melodic and harmonic content and the emotional and intellectual weight of the band's early material is gone, replaced with music designed to attract the easily impressed with 'unique' stylistic recombinance rather than meaningful expression.
oic A mEtal bend incorporatin' poGREssive elements to IMpress the easily-impressed, But It WorKS Liek PoP ROck and ThEyshould KeeP iT V1K1NG cuz itZ so IntelleCshual!!!1111...

My god do something with your life you crazy maluco
If you don't think they are prog-influenced why did you agree with Hibernal dream? ffs you are confusing...your next step: to make some ridiculous statement trying to convince everyone that Enslaved is a pop rock band

If you don't think they are prog-influenced why did you agree with Hibernal dream? ffs you are confusing...your next step: to make some ridiculous statement trying to convince everyone that Enslaved is a pop rock band


I said he raised a valid point, not that his particular interpretation of their style is exactly on.

Is English your first language?
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