The ENSLAVED thread

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I'm just expressing my opinion and do so as neutrally as possible. None of it is directed personally.


Enslaved's gimmicky synthesis of 70s prog and black metal just not worth the time - it's irrelevant.

why are people listening to a 2nd rate copy instead of the originals like Emperor and Camel?

You can recline and say "ahhh, this is good" without ever putting your mind to it. Same reason people listen to pop.

People take an obsession with music on this site - collecting thousands of cd's simply because they enjoy them without thinking about the reasons they listen to it or what benefits they derive other than pleasure.

Wait a couple of years you'll understand

yeah, those aren't flame-baited, arrogant, "i know a fuckload more than you" comments at all. Completely neutral and egoless.
wtf i wasn't behaving like a nonsensical dickhead, i was just being sarcastic about the absurd things you and A.Child were defending...but yeah i'm done...go ahead with your selective aplicati0n!!11
You could save yourself some explaining if you just give us examples. WHAT ROCK BAND DOES ENSLAVED SOUND LIKE?

Pretty much every alt and indie rock band from R.E.M. to Radiohead to Pavement have made use of dissonant chord voicings to make consonant melodies - it's one of the hallmarks of the style. So, for that matter, did Pink Floyd (the biggest and most obvious non-metal influence on later Enslaved).
Then I'll excuse you for your grotesque misrepresentation of what has actually been said in this thread on the assumption that it was born of a lack of familiarity with the language.

hahaha yeah whatever. and i'll excuse this lame attack for your lack of intellect. was this the best thing you could come up with really? :lol:

tell me, and be honest, you've been meaning to say that since the first time i offended you and you saw "turkey" under my avatar, havent you? :Smug:
hahaha yeah whatever. and i'll excuse this lame attack for your lack of intellect. was this the best thing you could come up with really? :lol:

tell me, and be honest, you've been meaning to say that since the first time i offended you and you saw "turkey" under my avatar, havent you? :Smug:

I'm trying to be nice here, since the alternatives to 'ignorance of the language' are 'fucking stupid' or 'actively dishonest,' given that you construed a statement about technique to mean that Enslaved "sound like" R.E.M.
If you're going that route to try and defend yourself, you have not answered my question. WHAT ROCK BANDS SOUND LIKE ENSLAVED?

Cite specific examples. Specific songs, specific progressions, and relate them to moments in Enslaved's catalogue. You can choose not to do this, but if you can't, you have provided no evidence, and the evidence against you is mounting. If you'd like i can give you more examples of rock music that DOESN'T sound like enslaved... but that's far too easy, since it's obvious there is very little resemblance in their music to the overwhelming majority of rock music.
Pink Floyd is at this point a well-known and publically acknowledged influence, and a fairly obvious one at that. But you're missing the point - no one has said that Enslaved 'sound like' any particular rock band, just that their music works like a lot of rock music. It's a question of using a familiar technique to make their music accessible to people raised on the rock music of the last 20+ years, not of 'sounding like' any particular band.

Early Radiohead doesn't 'sound like' Pavement - but their music works in similar ways. Immortal doesn't 'sound like' Burzum - but some of the technique is the same. In both cases - you've got an audience familiarity with the basic technique that allows them to understand what's going on, even if they've never heard one of the bands before. In contrast, someone raised on Radiohead probably isn't going to hear what's going on internally with Vikingligr Veldi - their ears aren't trained by experience with similar music. But they will understand RUUN, because its basic technique, if not its overall aesthetic ('sound'), is fundamentally similar to the music they already listen to.
I'm trying to be nice here, since the alternatives to 'ignorance of the language' are 'fucking stupid' or 'actively dishonest,' given that you construed a statement about technique to mean that Enslaved "sound like" R.E.M.

no, once again, let me tell you why you are the true dumbster here. *sigh*

mumblefood asked you this:


and here's the answer you gave:

Pretty much every alt and indie rock band from R.E.M. to Radiohead to Pavement have made use of dissonant chord voicings to make consonant melodies - it's one of the hallmarks of the style.

enough? even if i didnt know what "dissonant chord voicings" were, i would look it up on the net. your lame attacks and comments are starting to sound like a troll. beware
You're aware that discussions are an ongoing process, and that one can hardly accurately reflect an entire debate by pointing to a single exchange. I raised the (purely factual) point that Enslaved's use of modern rock technique makes their music 'work like' rock - Mumblefood has chosen to interpret that as 'sounds like,' but this is his error, not mine.

You would really do better to stay out of conversations that are over your head.
Pink Floyd is at this point a well-known and publically acknowledged influence, and a fairly obvious one at that. But you're missing the point - no one has said that Enslaved 'sound like' any particular rock band, just that their music works like a lot of rock music. It's a question of using a familiar technique to make their music accessible to people raised on the rock music of the last 20+ years, not of 'sounding like' any particular band.

Early Radiohead doesn't 'sound like' Pavement - but their music works in similar ways. Immortal doesn't 'sound like' Burzum - but some of the technique is the same. In both cases - you've got an audience familiarity with the basic technique that allows them to understand what's going on, even if they've never heard one of the bands before. In contrast, someone raised on Radiohead probably isn't going to hear what's going on internally with Vikingligr Veldi - their ears aren't trained by experience with similar music. But they will understand RUUN, because its basic technique, if not its overall aesthetic ('sound'), is fundamentally similar to the music they already listen to.

lol, what a load of bs.

I've heard 80's synth pop that sounds supiciously similar to Burzum, how do you defend that?

Just get it over with and admit that newer Enslaved doesn't sound grim enough to your ears.
Varg's appreciation of ambient music and Dead Can Dance is a matter of public record - there's a rough enough correspondence between those influences and the synthpop scene (which borrowed rather liberally both) to account for any similarities you might detect.
Mumblefood has chosen to interpret that as 'sounds like,' but this is his error, not mine.

Then do yourself a favor and don't play along with it until you realize you're wrong and change your tune.

furthermore, what the hell does "work like" mean even? "Rock-like melodies" don't have a certain sound? it's merely a technique? Tell me: what do you hear in your head when i say oriental-like melodies? How about when i say metal-like rhythm? Perhaps hip hop-like beats? No particular sound comes to mind? Or are these things just so completely on a different level than rock-like melodies that i'm drawing asinine conclusions about things i obviously don't understand?

Let's go with a hypothetical here, since you are incapable of considering any valid points i make and instead try to use your admitedly decent debating skills to jump through hoops. LET'S SAY you're completely right, they 100% are using rock techniques in their songwriting... rock-like melodies, extremely consonant chords and progressions, etc. Why is that inferior? You know who else uses very pleasing, consonant, and soundly resolving cadences? Bach. Beethoven. Mozart. Probably most of the bands you listen to. Is this single quality enough to make the music so vastly inferior that you have to point it out as the major reason you don't like them, and that we're all just playing it safe and being completely ignorant by liking them?
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I was thinking of getting into Enslaved after seeing the first 24 PAGES OR SO of this thread, and then everyone started arguing about pointless things. Maybe I shouldn't listen to Enslaved? Someone needs to clarify something here. :erk:
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