The ENSLAVED thread

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I was thinking of getting into Enslaved after seeing the first 24 PAGES OR SO of this thread, and then everyone started arguing about pointless things. Maybe I shouldn't listen to Enslaved? Someone needs to clarify something here. :erk:

I would listen to them if i were you.

On a side note: I'm arguing about pointless things because i don't have a whole lot better to do lately, and it's entertaining to watch people who have never even for a second in their life considered they might not be right about something argue insignificant facts. It seems to be an attempt to justify something larger they don't have a good reason for, like for example, not liking Enslaved's later output. All of these criticisms of the band, i am almost CERTAIN, are characteristics of other bands he enjoys. This isn't a real reason for him not liking them.
Then do yourself a favor and don't play along with it until you realize you're wrong and change your tune.

In the future, I'll be careful not to give you too much credit and assume that you get it, eh?

furthermore, what the hell does "work like" mean even?

It means that it functions like rock music - verse/chorus structures, short phrases that fully resolve, consonant melodies, simple, broad dynamic gestures etc.

Let's go with a hypothetical here, since you are incapable of considering any valid points i make and instead try to use your admitedly decent debating skills to jump through hoops. LET'S SAY you're completely right, they 100% are using rock techniques in their songwriting... rock-like melodies, extremely consonant chords and progressions, etc. Why is that inferior?

There's nothing inherently inferior about it in the abstract. But we're not talking about the abstract, we're talking about music that sits at the end of 50 years of populist distraction - the same populist distraction that metal in general and black metal in particular emerged as a reaction against. Enslaved now uses the rebellious social cachet of 'black metal' to sell a product that is, in essence, a fundamental repudiation of everything that black metal stood for. It's smarmy and dishonest, as well as fucking boring.
wtf does it have to do with anything? only because he has a Blessed are the sick(a great album) avatar it means he only should listen to stuff like that? judging someone's taste like that is a bit silly uh? he is an Opeth fan too, use your fuckin' brain...newer Enslaved appeals to Opeth fans, and it is quality work, the fact that you dismissed their newer albums was the reason why i recommended ISA to him...need i say more?
Setting aside quality for a moment, which era of Enslaved do you think is really going to be more appealing to the kind of guy who uses Blessed are the Sick as his avatar?
You know, I just changed my avatar to Blessed Are The Sick after I had Pink Floyd's Meddle and Animals, and before that I had Agalloch, and before that I likely had Ulver. Generalization is not very cool! :erk:
It means that it functions like rock music - verse/chorus structures, short phrases that fully resolve, consonant melodies, simple, broad dynamic gestures etc.

Sure, moreso than freeform music. I can agree to that, but your description is much, MUCH more fitting to so many other bands and styles of music. It seems hardly fair to criticize Enslaved, of all bands, for being that way.

Enslaved now uses the rebellious social cachet of 'black metal' to sell a product that is, in essence, a fundamental repudiation of everything that black metal stood for. It's smarmy and dishonest, as well as fucking boring.

First of all, i don't care about any of that. I listen to music for how it sounds, not the principle behind it. Music is something i use for listening. Second of all, They chose a rather odd style to play if they simply want to be popular and sell records. Took a bit of a gamble on it as well, considering they have a rather unique style and there wold be uncertainty to how the masses would recieve it. Oh well, the gamble worked i guess since they make so much money off of sales. OH WAI

i'm pretty bored of arguing with you now. I concede on all points. Enslaved uses mostly rock techniques these days, play music far too simple, they betrayed their black metal roots for money and fame, and on top of that they just objectively suck, no matter what anyone has tricked themselves into enjoying of their latter output. Any other absolute truths about them i should remember? Oh yeah, I remember. They have no passion for making music anymore, and lost the emotional AND intellectual weight they once had. If you can think of anything else i'll agree to it.
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