The ENSLAVED thread

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hmm... not really without naming a dark ambient artist. And if you don't know Lustmord, chances are you're not going to know anyone else that does it, as he's by far the "big name" of the style. I guess one point of reference might be some later burzum, but that's not really a good reference as he sucks at it and isn't quite doing the same thing. Some Blut aus Nord has a bit of that too. Generally though, black metal musicians attempting to do the style just really don't have the ability to pull it off. It's a very "sound imaging"-intensive field, and let's face it... black metal musicians don't know and don't care about sound imaging. They could record in mono for all they care. Drone metal bands like Sunn O))) have some similarities (at least in concept) as well, but are less concerned with the imaging. Movie soundtracks (especially to suspense or horror films) often have definite "dark ambience" to them, and in fact Lustmord has done some film soundtracks.

It's probably easier if i just upload a clip and you listen.
Mumble, thanx man, but I don't have my speakers hooked up, for I am disabled in my hands and do not have the motor skills to do it. I need to get someone to do this. But, thanx for the explanation. Peace.
I reckon this is actually the best way to listen to music. Would you prefer he listened to music while washing the dishes? :p

I love listening to music while baking. I just throw on something nice, relaxing, mellow, psychedelic, and my mind drifts off while I mix ingredients and wait for the stuff to cook up!
hmm... not really without naming a dark ambient artist. And if you don't know Lustmord, chances are you're not going to know anyone else that does it, as he's by far the "big name" of the style. I guess one point of reference might be some later burzum, but that's not really a good reference as he sucks at it and isn't quite doing the same thing. Some Blut aus Nord has a bit of that too. Generally though, black metal musicians attempting to do the style just really don't have the ability to pull it off. It's a very "sound imaging"-intensive field, and let's face it... black metal musicians don't know and don't care about sound imaging.

You're wrong about the quality of the later Burzum albums (particularly Hliðskjálf), but right about their essential divergence from the dark ambient genre (despite the use of technique that might otherwise align them with it). Artists like Lustmord and Maeror Tri compose what are essentially modernized forms of that early 20th century chamber music standby, the tone poem, while Burzum, Ildjarn etc. borrow instrumentation and technique from (dark) ambient to make music in the narrative tradition. There are obviously some surface similarities - but you're going to miss the point if you go in expecting Burzum to work like dark ambient (or Lustmord to work like Burzum).
it doesnt take long to learn everything about black metal, just fyi. been there, done that.
I don't see the point of learning anything about bm beyond what's listenable, what's not, and who ate who's brains out. You must have wasted a lot of time, lol.
You're wrong about the quality of the later Burzum albums (particularly Hliðskjálf) [...] you're going to miss the point if you go in expecting Burzum to work like dark ambient (or Lustmord to work like Burzum).

Not much in the mood for arguing about this, so you can respond to this post once i'm done and "win", but i think perhaps you have no place saying something like this considering you spend most of your time here missing the point on music other people enjoy and you are incapable of enjoying. Enjoying music>not enjoying music, and you certainly don't enjoy a lot of the music (ie enslaved or drone) other people do. Besides that, you've assumed a few too many things here. First, i heard Burzum long before i heard any dark ambient (my first DA experience was Raison d'Etre about 4 years ago, burzum's last album i first heard about 6 years ago). I like darkwave too, i like dead can dance, i like arcana, etc. Whatever style later burzum can be put into, i enjoy it. I just don't think burzum is a high quality version of this style.

I get the vibe all the things you know of those styles, and dark ambient, stemmed not from an exploration of those genres on your own, but with a prompt to explore Burzum's own influences, and as such you're necessarily going to be biased towards Burzum. Such is not the case for me. After hearing Hlidskjalf the first time i had no desire at all to explore anything similar, because i didn't like it. I still don't really. If you name your favorite track from it i'll listen again a few times to see if i can hear the quality you do.

also interesting to note: Maeror Tri was an EXTREMELY drone oriented band... and unless i'm reading into things wrong (associating them with Lustmord, saying you enjoy lustmord, earlier stating lustmord is one component of what kind of music you like), it seems you DO enjoy the concept of drone. I recommend reconciling your opinion on drone so it remains consistent. And no, you weren't merely criticising "drone metal", since you were ridiculing my post which was on the CONCEPT of drone.

your turn, and you win.
I don't see the point of learning anything about bm beyond what's listenable, what's not, and who ate who's brains out. You must have wasted a lot of time, lol.

what makes you think theres much more to it than that? and obviously different people have different perceptions of whats listenable anyway.

most of you tarts (your truckstop dykish self included) think by listening to enslaved, immortal, emperor and weakling that you all have completely grasped the entire black metal genre or somehow managed to stay above everyone else because those bands "ArE jUsT sO pRoGrEsSiVe aNd SupErIoRs". erm...that is until mikael cites burzum and darkthrone as a direct influence, then you will probably feel compelled to include those in your pseudo elitest repertoire of "OK bands to listen to", merely stating their "atmosphere and artistic vision were PrOgReSsIvE enOuGh!!"
Burzum and Darkthrone > Emperor, Immortal, Enslaved and Weakling anyway imo

Especially Hvis Lyset Tar Oss and A Blaze in the Northern Sky!

When newer black metal really starts to get interesting is when it gets into weird, deranged bands that actually bring some of their own unique bent to the genre. A lot of the bigger names (especially after the mid 90s) seem intent on just copying the greats of past eras.

Dead Raven Choir has a pretty interesting take on it. Urfaust - Geist Ist Teufel is another album that I'd recommend.

I recommend reconciling your opinion on drone so it remains consistent. And no, you weren't merely criticising "drone metal", since you were ridiculing my post which was on the CONCEPT of drone.

Please don't tell me he is one of those who thinks that all modern drone is somehow a marketing tool devised by Southern Lord and has absolutely no artistic merit.
Not much in the mood for arguing about this, so you can respond to this post once i'm done and "win", but i think perhaps you have no place saying something like this considering you spend most of your time here missing the point on music other people enjoy and you are incapable of enjoying. Enjoying music>not enjoying music, and you certainly don't enjoy a lot of the music (ie enslaved or drone) other people do. Besides that, you've assumed a few too many things here. First, i heard Burzum long before i heard any dark ambient (my first DA experience was Raison d'Etre about 4 years ago, burzum's last album i first heard about 6 years ago). I like darkwave too, i like dead can dance, i like arcana, etc. Whatever style later burzum can be put into, i enjoy it. I just don't think burzum is a high quality version of this style.

1. For disclosure's sake, my own entry vector into both black metal and ambient was classical music, which is what we were raised on in the Child household (and what I'd spent much of my childhood and youth performing).

2. I think evaluating later Burzum using darkwave or dark ambient as the primary frame of reference misses what the music actually aims at. In truth, black metal, and particularly, Burzum's own back catalogue remain the most useful context in which to understand it. Hliðskjálf in particular is, at its core, a continuation of what Varg was doing with Hvis lyset tar oss and some of the more recent tracks on Filosfem by other means.

also interesting to note: Maeror Tri was an EXTREMELY drone oriented band... and unless i'm reading into things wrong (associating them with Lustmord, saying you enjoy lustmord, earlier stating lustmord is one component of what kind of music you like), it seems you DO enjoy the concept of drone.

Leaving aside the tricky question of whether Maeror Tri was ever really associated with drone (they're not radically different from most of the rest of what we'd call ambient or dark ambient, for starters), my problem was never with the concept of 'drone' - but with the execution of the 'drone doom', which almost inevitably seems to involve repackaging Sonic Youth for metalheads desperate to seem cool in front of their indie nerd buddies.
what makes you think theres much more to it than that?
Hubster, hibernal dream, Armagedon's Child, etc. would certainly beg to differ, lol :Smug: They're the ones writing the psuedo intellectual treatises ala anus
most of you tarts (your truckstop dykish self included) think by listening to enslaved, immortal, emperor and weakling that you all have completely grasped the entire black metal genre or somehow managed to stay above everyone else because those bands "ArE jUsT sO pRoGrEsSiVe aNd SupErIoRs". erm...that is until mikael cites burzum and darkthrone as a direct influence, then you will probably feel compelled to include those in your pseudo elitest repertoire of "OK bands to listen to", merely stating their "atmosphere and artistic vision were PrOgReSsIvE enOuGh!!"
you assume far too much, based on very little information.

I've never claimed to be an expert on any music genre, I consider myself to be a fairly casual listener. I don't listen to music to compete with anyone (omg!, leik so pRoGrEsSiVe!!!, rare semi-decomposed frog, croaked it's last in the early 70's), but to please myself. I've listened to classic bm insofar as my limited interest permits, and enjoyed or at least found value in most of what I've heard. I'll never be a big bm fan simply because the music rarely suits my mood - I barely even listen to metal these days. I enjoy Enslaved the most out of the bands you listed because their newer output is the most distant from pure bm.

now please stop making a total ass of yourself, unless you want to compete with the Gildenlow tart.
an ass of myself? hardly. i accurately pigeonholed a good majority of those people with those statements. just because youre kicking and screaming that it doesnt pertain to you, doesnt change that fact.
an ass of myself? hardly. i accurately pigeonholed a good majority of those people with those statements. just because youre kicking and screaming that it doesnt pertain to you, doesnt change that fact.

Aren't you the one you pigeonholed yourself as a MCR fanboi?

Those statements apply best to people with very large egos, and we know perfectly well that few can even compete with yours.
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