The ENSLAVED thread

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i am. but i need to prove nothing to some kid named bloodsword.
There it is, another evasive response coupled with an insult. You can't answer a simple question with a simple answer, and the typical "i need to prove nothing to some kid named bloodsword" Remember "IronBeard." In the last 2-3 months "My Man Mamoud" completely crushed Nfu over and over in musical knowledge. Now, Armageddon's Child has done the same. I really don't have the verbal proficiency to argue with this jag-off, but I tell you this, if we were in the same room, I guarantee Nfu, you would not express yourself to me as you do on this board. For you would see, it would not be in your best interest. However, you would probably make a good politician, for they to can not back up themselves. "I don't have to prove anything" is complete bullshit. It's just a tired and lame excuse. I just wanted to say this, for I will never address your garbage again( which I'm sure you can appreciate) You are a fuckin' ghost from now on.
I thought I remembered you describing yourself as a pretty proficient guitarist?

NFU said:

lolz BloodSword is an ignorant knob

MyManMahmoud is a juvenile ANUSite moron with nothing but convoluted nonsense to bring to the table. musical knowledge can't give him a clue or a point worth hearing. [edited out the shit about Armaggedon's Child because he seems to have changed lately]
Oh, I daresay NFU's knowledge of music far outstrips mine. What he lacks is the understanding that turns knowledge into wisdom. But he's young yet, so there's time left for him to see the light, sell off his creatively valueless rarities (at a comfortable profit), and cut back his collection to the 2-300 records that are actually worth owning.
You don't know what records are worth owning to him any more than I know what records are worth owning to you. You're honestly trying to tell me there's some kind of universal at play here, in the same post where you attempt to debunk someone else's "wisdom"? :erk:

And don't assume me to be some kind of NFU fanboy here. He'll be the first to tell you how appreciative I've been of his contributions to this forum in the past couple of years :loco:
You don't know what records are worth owning to him any more than I know what records are worth owning to you. You're honestly trying to tell me there's some kind of universal at play here, in the same post where you attempt to debunk someone else's "wisdom"? :erk:

Music is either good or it is not. The issue isn't personal preference, the issue is abstract quality.
There it is, another evasive response coupled with an insult. You can't answer a simple question with a simple answer, and the typical "i need to prove nothing to some kid named bloodsword" Remember "IronBeard." In the last 2-3 months "My Man Mamoud" completely crushed Nfu over and over in musical knowledge. Now, Armageddon's Child has done the same. I really don't have the verbal proficiency to argue with this jag-off, but I tell you this, if we were in the same room, I guarantee Nfu, you would not express yourself to me as you do on this board. For you would see, it would not be in your best interest. However, you would probably make a good politician, for they to can not back up themselves. "I don't have to prove anything" is complete bullshit. It's just a tired and lame excuse. I just wanted to say this, for I will never address your garbage again( which I'm sure you can appreciate) You are a fuckin' ghost from now on.

actually, truth be known, i made my prior musical education and experience very well known here before. i guess you just missed it.

but i honestly dont care if you think my "excuses" are tired and lame. at the end of the day, im not losing any sleep over the thought you may think im full of shit. it just isnt a big deal to me.
What makes a band good to me is the value I find in their music, and to be honest, I do not care one bit whether any outside authority validates that value. I expect any person with a decent shred of individuality in them might venture to think something similar, but what do I know?
What makes a band good to me is the value I find in their music, and to be honest, I do not care one bit whether any outside authority validates that value. I expect any person with a decent shred of individuality in them might venture to think something similar, but what do I know?

I figure that anyone of intelligence who listens intelligently doesn't need external validation - they already know what is good and what isn't, and don't need the help finding the right path.

Most people, however, are either dumb, or haven't yet learned to listen intelligently. They need guidance, or they'll spend their lives listening to throwaway piffle like Britney Spears, U2 and late model Emperor. That's where I come in. I am the light that shows the way.

Or something like that.
In my opinion, some of the best musical conversation comes from two or more intelligent people discussiong the differences in what they find valuable in music and how certain bands hold up to these different criteria.

I learned long ago that expecting everyone to think the same music is good leads to naught but frustration and humiliation. People have their own priorities in music as in any other aspect of life. If someone can honestly and intelligently explain to me why they listen to a band I dislike, I am likely to think the better of them for it.
In my opinion, some of the best musical conversation comes from two or more intelligent people discussiong the differences in what they find valuable in music and how certain bands hold up to these different criteria.

I learned long ago that expecting everyone to think the same music is good leads to naught but frustration and humiliation. People have their own priorities in music as in any other aspect of life. If someone can honestly and intelligently explain to me why they listen to a band I dislike, I am likely to think the better of them for it.

That's why, you'll notice, I spend most of my time explaining how to listen and what to listen for - not giving lists of good and bad bands.

People need the tools of intelligent listening, not a canon of approved bands.
Sorry then, I just thought for a second that you were agreeing with me that intelligent people can still have extremely valid differences of opinion on what constitutes good music, which to me is such an obvious observation that I don't really understand how you could disprove it - let alone why anyone would want to.

Edit: I'd still probably agree with you on what most of the things you identify as ways to distinguish good music from bad, as well as that you're helping people out by exposing them to these things. The difference I would make is that everyone can use these things to come to their own conclusions as to what is valuable to them.
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