The Food Thread.

My dinner. All of my other meals are very similar to this in that they are microwaved >.>

Nice! I want to start cooking fish more regularly, but I'm terrified of food poisoning and letting any of it go to waste.

I used to hate it as a kid but then grew into the taste. I apparently like shrimp too, if its cooked right.
I love all sea food. Cliff, cooking fish really isn't that difficult. I'm sure you can find all sorts of recipes and advice on teh intarwebz.

The other day I did have to throw some salmon out, though, because I left it in the fridge too long before cooking it. Such a waste... =(
shellfish = insects of the sea

the fact that one would eat an entire buglike/alienesque creature, legs, intenstins and all, or suck out the goo inside of it, brings a slight taste of vomit to my mouth -_-

I used to think the EXACT same thing, but I tried shrimp and it's fucking awesome. Plus shrimp is cool cause you just eat the flesh and leave the head, eyes, legs, shell, goo etc.
shellfish = insects of the sea

the fact that one would eat an entire buglike/alienesque creature, legs, intenstins and all, or suck out the goo inside of it, brings a slight taste of vomit to my mouth -_-

I hate shellfish too, but because I dislike the taste. I really want to like lobster, because its classy. I want to like crab just for all the awesome jokes I can make when ordering it.
I used to think the EXACT same thing, but I tried shrimp and it's fucking awesome. Plus shrimp is cool cause you just eat the flesh and leave the head, eyes, legs, shell, goo etc.

Yeah, I used to think the same, then I tried shrimp and pretty much confirmed it. It's awful and nobody should ever eat it. FUCK SEAFOOD
You better be trolling. Whatever happened to barbecue and French fries? Or Lasagna? Or roasted chicken? Or pretty much any other dish ever invented?