The Food Thread.

Zucchini in a cake???
Hmm.. that sounds rather tasty... could you send me the recipe?

I'm too tired and lazy to cook lately.. I try to eat healthy every day, but it's very hard when you don't feel like cooking haha..
Well, German's quicker of course :grin: But tell me if there's something you don't understand, and I'm gonna try to explain!
It's one of my favourite nut cake recipes btw, and I promise you won't be able to tell that there's Zucchini in it!

1,5 Tassen Zucker
2 Tassen Mehl
1 Päckchen Backpulver
1,5 Tassen gemahlene Haselnüsse
2 Tassen geraspelte Zucchini
4 ganze Eier
200 g flüssige, leicht abgekühlte Butter
Rum-Aroma nach Geschmack
Schokoladenguss nach Geschmack

Alle trockenen Zutaten und die Zucchiniraspel in einer großen Schüssel vermischen. Die Eier und das Rum-Aroma in die flüssige Butter geben, leicht verquirlen und auf die trockenen Zutaten geben. Alles verrühren. In eine gefettete und mit etwas Mehl bestäubte Kranzform (26 cm Durchmesser) geben. Bei 160°C 50 bis 60 Minuten backen. Aus der Form nehmen und auf einem Gitter abkühlen lassen.
Nach Geschmack mit Schokolade überziehen.

I prefer it without the chocolate cover, but each to his/her own.

Edit: I added what kind of baking pan it is, I mean something like this:
Thanx Andrea!!

But how much is one cup? cause we do everything with grams and litres :P
Schokoladenguss is fluid chocolate? Like icing I assume?

It sounds really nice.. although the combination of zucchini and chocolate is very interesting!
You're welcome!
I use cups with 175 ml, but I don't fill them up to the brim. I found in this recipe a few grams more or less don't really matter. Always depends a bit on the size of the eggs, and how juicy the zucchini is etc.
Yeah I mean fluid chocolate, or what you usually use for covering. But as I said, I like it more without choc, it's such a "juicy" nut cake on its own that I think the choc "disturbs" that. You could try one half with and one half without maybe!
OOOH OOOH!!! I wanna try!!

1.5 cups sugar
2 cups flour
1 packet yeast
I have no idea what Haselnüsse could be- edit: oh wait- hazelnuts, right?
2 cups chopped zucchini
4 whole eggs
200 g warmed butter
As far as the rum and chocolate, I dunno what geschmack could be...

Blend the sugar and zucchini in a big bowl. Add the eggs and rum to the butter, and add the whole mixture to the bowl of sugar. Blend all. Dust a 26cm cake pan with flour and put the mixture in the pan. Bake at 160°C for 50 to 60 minutes. When finished, cover with chocolate syrup.

I know I must have fucked up on several things. I know you couldn't be using all the flour just to line the pan... But how'd I do? You don't have to correct everything, but give me a grade, from 1 to 10. I have to take my german final today. XD
That was really well done! I always found recipes to be very special to translate, so I'd give you a 8/10 :)
Here's a few clues, just in case you'd want to actually bake it ;)
OOOH OOOH!!! I wanna try!!

1.5 cups sugar
2 cups flour
1 packet baking powder
1.5 cups grounded nuts (hazelnuts)
2 cups chopped rather grated, but thats probably the same? zucchini
4 whole eggs
200 g warmed melted, but not hot anymore butter
As far as the rum and chocolate, I dunno what geschmack could be... personal taste... just as much as you like!
some extra butter and flour to spread the pan

Blend the sugar, the flour, the baking powder, the nuts and zucchini in a big bowl. Add the eggs and rum to the butter, and add the whole mixture to the bowl of sugar. Blend all. Dust a 26cm cake pan with flour (spread it with butter before so that the flour sticks there) and put the mixture in the pan. Bake at 160°C for 50 to 60 minutes. When finished, cover with chocolate syrup melted chocolate.

I know I must have fucked up on several things. I know you couldn't be using all the flour just to line the pan... But how'd I do? You don't have to correct everything, but give me a grade, from 1 to 10. I have to take my german final today. XD
As far as I know, you didn't do too bad :P

Geschmack is taste.. like.. uhm.. add it to taste?? It's something like that in Dutch..

And uhm.. you should mix the dry ingredients with the zucchini rasp.. not just the sugar xD

IMO it's a 8.. But then again, who am I to judge xD
Well, German's quicker of course :grin: But tell me if there's something you don't understand, and I'm gonna try to explain!
It's one of my favourite nut cake recipes btw, and I promise you won't be able to tell that there's Zucchini in it!

1,5 Tassen Zucker
2 Tassen Mehl
1 Päckchen Backpulver
1,5 Tassen gemahlene Haselnüsse
2 Tassen geraspelte Zucchini
4 ganze Eier
200 g flüssige, leicht abgekühlte Butter
Rum-Aroma nach Geschmack
Schokoladenguss nach Geschmack

Alle trockenen Zutaten und die Zucchiniraspel in einer großen Schüssel vermischen. Die Eier und das Rum-Aroma in die flüssige Butter geben, leicht verquirlen und auf die trockenen Zutaten geben. Alles verrühren. In eine gefettete und mit etwas Mehl bestäubte Kranzform (26 cm Durchmesser) geben. Bei 160°C 50 bis 60 Minuten backen. Aus der Form nehmen und auf einem Gitter abkühlen lassen.
Nach Geschmack mit Schokolade überziehen.

I prefer it without the chocolate cover, but each to his/her own.

Edit: I added what kind of baking pan it is, I mean something like this:

Das hört sich definitiv interessant an. Muss ich mal ausprobieren... Bis jetzt kannte ich nur Karottenkuchen.
Where? =\

So I tried cooking a beef shoulder in the crockpot. Before I did, the shoulder sat in the freezer for a while, while I tried to think of what to put with it. Then I thought to myself, "Hey, I bet some balsamic vinegar cooking into the meat would taste pretty good." So I also put in onions, carrots, celery and a few strips of bacon.

It turned out like shit. The meat was okay, but everything else tasted like absolute garbage.