The Food Thread.

It sucks even more when you cant talk like an adult and when you have to insult everybody who disagree with you.


I've noticed a few members here like that, it's their mission to insult regardless. The most challenging forum I've been on, so nit-picky it should aptly be titled 'Children of Boredom'.

Yeah I know..... "Reported!"

Having said that, it gets interesting, funny at times & pretty good for an unmoderated forum.

"Vegetarians live healthier lives, on average live longer, experience more energy" lol, tell that to a girl I knew who was TOLD by her doctor to stop being a vegetarian - because it was killing her. And yes, after she went back to eating dead animals she was fine thanks.

Also, I don't feel guilty at all *grabs some processed artificial chicken nuggets*

but but but the government!! THEY FEED US LIES!! You know 9/11 was a inside job right?? RIGHT??? AND PHARMACIES ARE KEEPING US DOWN WITH FALSE MEDICATION!

True medicine lies in chewing leaves! NATURE MEDICINE! AND HOMEOPATHY


And yeah, the funny thing is, I've eaten meat all my life, even killed animals myself(either for pest control or for the purpose of eating), and I've never felt guilty about it a single time.

inb4 some useless hippie crap against hunting
Humans are omnivores.

I should've made it clearer, the big cats eat the stomach, contents and all. The contents of a herbivores stomach will of course be vegetation.


....but the meat and stuff they have to eat or chew on to get to the stomach and the stomach itself is thrown away in the dust bin by the *big cats* since they are vegetarians?
I strongly doubt that a tiger kills some other animal because it wants to eat the same food as it's prey :lol: Or is it just the Tiger's special meal? Vegetables in antelope's stomach, raw ?
2.5 million years ago we weren't even eating meat. How could we when we had access/discovered fire only about 200,000 years ago, if that. And then there is the question what percentage of these humans food intake was meat. 1%, 2%... maybe ???

Hominids began eating meat because herbivorous diets didn't provide enough nutrients (proteins or whatever) for their (relatively) rapidly increasing mental power and brain size. There's actually a correlation between the evolution of higher mental functions in hominids/humans and the consumption of meat.

i think
....but the meat and stuff they have to eat or chew on to get to the stomach and the stomach itself is thrown away in the dust bin by the *big cats* since they are vegetarians?
I strongly doubt that a tiger kills some other animal because it wants to eat the same food as it's prey :lol: Or is it just the Tiger's special meal? Vegetables in antelope's stomach, raw ?

You misunderstood Stephen's post I think. He wasn't suggesting that tigers are vegetarians, just that they get a part of their "needed vegetables" from eating the contents of their prey's stomachs.

Also, I still haven't had any tacos.
Eating (almost?) any flesh of the animal contains nutrients of the animals food.
The most challenging forum I've been on, so nit-picky it should aptly be titled 'Children of Boredom'.
Exactly my point, you're only here to disturb shit :)

"Vegetarians live healthier lives, on average live longer, experience more energy" lol, tell that to a girl I knew who was TOLD by her doctor to stop being a vegetarian - because it was killing her. And yes, after she went back to eating dead animals she was fine thanks.

Also, I don't feel guilty at all *grabs some processed artificial chicken nuggets*

I've had friends experience similar, they decided eating animals was immoral and just stopped and ate a fuckton of salad all the time. They then had a really bad protein deficiency, and lack of iron in their blood.

But, you can be healthy eating vegetarian, you just have to put more effort into planning your meals ahead of time to make sure you are getting those nutrients. Vegan diets, are just silly, you cannot be a healthy vegan without supplements.

Eating (almost?) any flesh of the animal contains nutrients of the animals food.

We can't exactly process the same nutrients, each specices has different stomachs and whatnot...but from eating meat we do get nutrients from plants we normally wouldn;t be able to digest. There are few in particular but I can't remember which ones :(

I know b12 is abundant in seaweed, but if we eat seaweed we can't extract that one out, but if we eat fish that eat the seaweed we will get that vitamin.

Edit: And lol, Im eating leftover Tofu squares from last night with some steamed broccoli :p
Guess arguments are exchanged pretty much, but I'm gonna put in my two cents anyway :grin: Being a vegetarian does not make you healthier at all, never known a person or seen a statistics or whatever proving that. It’s like discussing religion, or orthodox medicine with homeopathy, people believe in one or the other which often causes them to feel better regardless of the actual effect this or that had in special. Health is getting influenced by so many different things, like smoking, alcohol, enough sleep, stress, environment, exercising etc., and what you eat is just one of those factors. And then it mainly depends on the amount of veggies, carbohydrates, proteins, fat, nutrients etc. you get. Meat is one of the best protein and (mineral) nutrient supplier, so why should it be bad for you to have some from time to time.

I'm agreeing with Ryan that the question should rather be if you respect/are conscious about what you eat, how often you have it and if you're consequent enough to spend the required amount of money for it. I mean, knowing where the food comes from, if it's artificial/processed or natural, gene-manipulated or not, (if an animal) if it's been fed natural or with carcass meal etc. should be the important factor when buying any food, meat or veggies. While trying to buy food this way, I don't have any bad conscience at all when having meat one or two times a week.
And, to be a bit populistic: No one can convince me that eating only plants (which probably are overfertilized and/or gene-manipulated) is "healthier" for me than having a rumpsteak from time to time that's been nibbling on some grass stalks a few weeks before, as long as no objective study is able to prove that :p
I'm tired of hearing that we should eat at least 5 fruits and veggies, this % of fat, that % of carbs, or drink this amount of water everyday. We're all different, there shouldnt be a law. If I eat and drink what they suggest, i'd be fat and very tired whereas I know some other people would feel extremely well.
I'm tired of hearing that we should eat at least 5 fruits and veggies, this % of fat, that % of carbs, or drink this amount of water everyday. We're all different, there shouldnt be a law. If I eat and drink what they suggest, i'd be fat and very tired whereas I know some other people would feel extremely well.

Its just general guidelines, calm down
But they dont force you to do anything you dont want O.o

man I wanna be 13 again.