The Gaming Thread

I'm playing Titan Quest for the hell of it, I remember it seeming like a long-winded game back when it came out. I got bored due to teh length, but I'm going to try out a new hybrid class and where where it takes me,
ive been playing that game for like a year actually, i come back to it every now and again. but you are right belac, as much as i like it, it has the worst pacing ever :lol:. im still not finished it. although i am playing the soul/fire magic hybrid. hes a beast, i can absorb health from anything but undead, and summon the lich king and some magma man, and i have a couple massive fireballs.

great game but its slow as hell, whenever i start back up i have no idea what the story is...and part of me believes i never did...
nice i was curious about it. the devil survivor games are also pretty good, but not as good as their console counter-parts (ie nocturne, dds, persona)
so i installed Fraps today, joined a battlefield match and decided to record a bit of me playing. it was tough, mostly because i was trying to set up cool shots, and trying to hit F8 to start this shit haha. anyway, i took the afternoon and made a short video of me. i mostly just looked at my map, ran behind them, activated fraps and did what i intended.

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hahaha hey as long as they die. in all the cases i used my gun i wanted to use my knife and got startled :lol:, it was definitely some no scope bullshit. plus im a tank, just run from point to point as quick as possible, which either works or it doesnt :lol:

i mostly just wanted to try it out and see what fraps is. it kinda sucks cause video eats up all my hard drive space (ok steam does too). it was kinda fun, reminded of me tech class in high school hahaha, but at a certain point i just said fuck it, the song doesnt sync up and the words come in at random points. plus so many times i think shit that was cool, i wish i could relive that again. and now i can :p

edit: shit youre right too, looked over more video and thats where my game falls short, sloppy kills :p
so my video apperently killed this thread so ill restart it :lol:. the summer is usually pretty much dead for video games, anything to look forward to?

so far im only looking forward to diablo 3.
haha yes i did walk right into that one didnt i?

just ordered two games off estarland. got mortal kombat komplete edition :D, and i got castlevania: curse of darkness for ps2.

probably my favorite of all the castlevanias. symphony of the night was amazing, as was circle of the moon, even the DS and ps3 ones were great :D. curse of darkness was so killer though. a demon sidekick you could evolve, many weapons you craft yourself (from items and swords enemies drop, including stealing an item from death in order to wield deaths scythe). tons of bosses, tons of secrets.

from what ive read curse of darkness got a lot of shit, but imo it was the best 3d castlevania (the n64 ones were bad, or i was too young to enjoy them). it was a lot like symphony of the night but in 3D. been searching for it for a very long time :)
Trust me, it's not that you were too young to enjoy them. You'd have to be on several types of drugs to find anything redeemable about any of the 3d Castlevania games pre-Curse of Darkness. The reason Curse of Darkness caught a few bad reviews is because of its competition within the genre, and the departure from some Castlevania elements.

As far as I'm concerned though, Symphony of the Night is still king. I've played almost every Castlevania game and I don't even need to think about it, and I only played SotN for the first time like 2 years ago (I still regret not playing it long ago). The GBA iterations were good too but they just can't hold up to the awesomeness of SotN, or match Alucard's badass-ness (what?).