You're a full on legend dude! You nailed it right on the head. All those reasons why Morrowind kicks so much ass haha, there just is no comparable game world in my eyes. Also I notice a distinct lack of unforgiving games. This is hard to explain but i'll try.
Now, I hate mario. Sonic. And anything similar, simply because OH I DIED, RE-DO, ya know? same repetetive action for little or no gain. So I have no interest in stuff like platformers or super meat boy etc. But I absolutely love how games are unforgiving in the sense that they say, "Here's the game! Do with it what you will!" And you have every chance to make a shitty character build or get your ass destroyed or even ruin future relationships due to your actions. That to me is a great move I love learning how the world works for myself and not being told by giant floating letters or scripted npc's.
Morrowind totally had that, most of the game I had my ass kicked due to me not understanding combat or how to build a good character, but once I found out it was so rewarding! I find with Oblivion and Skyrim, despite loving them. They are way too dumbed down and player friendly. Any class, any skill and you can practically tank everything. Morrowind would bust your ass even at ridiculous levels with high end gears so it was constantly a challenge. Even with its shitty combat haha! Also as a massive music fan I think morrowind has the best ost of all time.
With my PC and new vegas I can run that on high and kick ass but I struggle with other games on lower settings, it's really weird... I used to be a console gamer but that was because I couldn't afford a high end pc really haha, always had a good one but not for new releases like!
Also back on the topic I'm playing a new indie game now called Legend of Grimrock. It's an old school dungeon crawler style game, again it has that unforgiving flair that I love. I also love the style of play as I've never played anything like this before and it's a right bastard so far! Teaching my self to play this is interesting! D:
Now, I hate mario. Sonic. And anything similar, simply because OH I DIED, RE-DO, ya know? same repetetive action for little or no gain. So I have no interest in stuff like platformers or super meat boy etc. But I absolutely love how games are unforgiving in the sense that they say, "Here's the game! Do with it what you will!" And you have every chance to make a shitty character build or get your ass destroyed or even ruin future relationships due to your actions. That to me is a great move I love learning how the world works for myself and not being told by giant floating letters or scripted npc's.
Morrowind totally had that, most of the game I had my ass kicked due to me not understanding combat or how to build a good character, but once I found out it was so rewarding! I find with Oblivion and Skyrim, despite loving them. They are way too dumbed down and player friendly. Any class, any skill and you can practically tank everything. Morrowind would bust your ass even at ridiculous levels with high end gears so it was constantly a challenge. Even with its shitty combat haha! Also as a massive music fan I think morrowind has the best ost of all time.

With my PC and new vegas I can run that on high and kick ass but I struggle with other games on lower settings, it's really weird... I used to be a console gamer but that was because I couldn't afford a high end pc really haha, always had a good one but not for new releases like!