The Gaming Thread

adam, my only advice to you is to quit making rash decisions :lol:. took me a week of shopping around and reading about individual parts and how they work together before i bought new parts for my computer. even things like ram you want to make sure they are the same type (1333 or 1666 or whatever). it almost seems like now, youve bought a computer, then bought a bunch of upgrades, when you could have just bought decent parts in the first place.

its not difficult, but it is also not something you can just do quickly. take some time, look up the parts you have (including the case, open it up), and what you will need to upgrade. hell i even measured the physical dimensions of my case so i could make sure it fit. i almost bought a power supply that was too big for mine before i looked around. read a bit about power supplies, read a bit about newer video cards, what works and what doesnt.

i dont mean any offense either, just trying to help you out and guide you towards what you are looking for. i will say i think veins and belac have a great understanding of this sort of stuff too, probably more than myself :). i cant say ive ever had dual cards or anything fancy. i am still around an intermediate level (once my i7 becomes outdated, i will probably try to build from scratch).

also, half life 2 takes nothing anymore to run it, my old card could max it (gts 240)

also veins, have you beat skyrim yet? ive been thinking about trying some mods for it and starting a new file. ive never modded before and i cant remember if anyone here has tried with skyrim (i know a few of you modded other games, which still blows my mind :lol:)
also, does anyone here have any experiance with video editing? was making a montage of some games i was playing with friends (trying to work as a team, we arent competative but we do tend to join servers as a group, if anyone saw the bf3 video of the guy jumping from the jet and rpg'ing jets behind him, he and i play a few times a week), and the file ended up being about 550 mb. i had to close everything (including explorer.exe) and go into windows basic just so my computer wouldnt pink screen/freeze on me. ive got like 6 gigs of ram, but i hear video requires a lot. it froze on me like 6 times yesterday afternoon (not just while saving either :)). also if anyone knows of anything better than fraps, id appreciate it (it's great, but slows my system down a bit)

i'll post the video too i guess, my editing skills have improved a bit, i was mostly messing around with speed up and slow down effects this time, in addition to trying to sync up music better than i had in the past. also miasma may be pleased to see my accuracy has improved a bit :p

for some reason it doesnt always let me put videos, only links
adam, my only advice to you is to quit making rash decisions :lol:. took me a week of shopping around and reading about individual parts and how they work together before i bought new parts for my computer. even things like ram you want to make sure they are the same type (1333 or 1666 or whatever). it almost seems like now, youve bought a computer, then bought a bunch of upgrades, when you could have just bought decent parts in the first place.

its not difficult, but it is also not something you can just do quickly. take some time, look up the parts you have (including the case, open it up), and what you will need to upgrade. hell i even measured the physical dimensions of my case so i could make sure it fit. i almost bought a power supply that was too big for mine before i looked around. read a bit about power supplies, read a bit about newer video cards, what works and what doesnt.

i dont mean any offense either, just trying to help you out and guide you towards what you are looking for. i will say i think veins and belac have a great understanding of this sort of stuff too, probably more than myself :). i cant say ive ever had dual cards or anything fancy. i am still around an intermediate level (once my i7 becomes outdated, i will probably try to build from scratch).

also, half life 2 takes nothing anymore to run it, my old card could max it (gts 240)

also veins, have you beat skyrim yet? ive been thinking about trying some mods for it and starting a new file. ive never modded before and i cant remember if anyone here has tried with skyrim (i know a few of you modded other games, which still blows my mind :lol:)

I think I will call tiger direct and get them to help me out. I am sure they will know.
You've always been highly accurate with the knife :p

:lol:! it comes from dying thousands of times trying to knife :p. it sucks when you could have just shot someone, but try to knife and fail

I think I will call tiger direct and get them to help me out. I am sure they will know.

good luck :), i bought my latest parts from them and enjoy the service they provide. i think ncix also has some info on parts

put the part after the slash in youtube tags, voila :)

:lol: i still dont understand :(, i just put insert hyperlink, and then copy/paste the youtube link in, maybe i should use the actual link instead of those mini ones, dunno ill mess around with it more next time

On console they don't have the animation of you ripping the Dog Tags off you just knife them thats it :(

that sucks :(, i live for knife kills. i also hear grand bazaar is like a straight line like operation metro, which sucks cause on PC it is the straight part, plus a giant square (with 2 bases) surrounding it. its such an awesome level
also, biggest news this gen (for me). thy finally made a sequal to one of my favorite PS2 series. HITMAN. hope it lives up to the others (they were all fun, 2 was the best though imo). i loved the way you could complete the missions in many many ways, and trying to get the best score by only using one bullet on the target (has to be a headshot, many levels have 2 targets, so you have to strangle one or drop him off a cliff or something)

yes they really are dating a new hitman game
also veins, have you beat skyrim yet? ive been thinking about trying some mods for it and starting a new file. ive never modded before and i cant remember if anyone here has tried with skyrim (i know a few of you modded other games, which still blows my mind :lol:)

Modding is half the fun of any Elder Scrolls game! I'm building a pretty large mod for Skyrim as we speak though I have a lot of work to do yet since I have a job and all that. :lol:

I'm going to tell you right now that if you go to Skyrim Nexus and browse their mods by category you will find shit that will not only make Skyrim look AMAZING but add things to the game that give it a hell of a lot more replay value. Everything from new craftable weapons with unique models , to new giant houses designed so you can put your armors and shit on display and storage, to legions of new enemy types and dungeons, to new questlines.

Hell you can even get new character body models,hairstyles and eyecolors if you like to REALLY customize your look which I for one do. I generally try to set it up so all of my visible equipment (armor,shields,weapons) is modded and unique so only my character will have it. It's nice knowing you'll never encounter anyone that uses the same equipment as you, making it more immersive at least to me. That's not saying it has to be uber equipment, I keep my item stats around the same as the equipment already in game, just with its own look and maybe a rare stat to give it a signature use. And it's all the better if you make it super challenging to acquire the gear

And the best thing about Skyrim Modding? It's easy as fuck to install mods since the Elder Scrolls games are designed around the idea they will be modded heavily. Just remember not to go crazy and download 200 mods and expect them all to work together. You should be mindful of the effects of each mod so they don't clash


I mod any game I can, some day I will make a Fraps video of my GTA4 game and show you all how to kick the ever-loving fuck out of a groups of cops armed with nothing but my fists and Matrix style slo-mo (of course you can toggle whether you move regular speed in the slowed down game or go slow with them, or it would just be slow motion...). Punching a cop and sending him flying 15 feet into his own car in slow motion = epic win.

The Stalker Games and of course the all-mighty Doom games are GREAT for modding as well. Got my start in modding with Doom 1 when the source code got released and I never looked back.

/End rambling

PS - Every PC gamer playing Skyrim should use this mod at the very least.. It makes the GUI more substantial and dynamic for a mouse.
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Also, yeah Hitman is awesome, especially 2. Something about well done stealth games always wins me over. The Thief games would have been amazing if it were not for the incredibly stupid AI. Skyrim gets away with it to a point because it has so much more to offer, but seriously man, in Thief you can shoot a water arrow at a guard (usually used to put out torches) and the guard will walk away soaking wet saying "must have been my imagination". :lol: I guess tehy are still pretty damn good but it does lose something when every situation can be reset by walking away.

Dishonored looks awesome. That is all
i know you hate the interface, i just adapt :(, but those HD mods.....look like fun :D

i always wanted to try thief, but i feel it would be dated and a hard thing to go back to, with no memory of how great it was at the time.
adam, my only advice to you is to quit making rash decisions :lol:. took me a week of shopping around and reading about individual parts and how they work together before i bought new parts for my computer. even things like ram you want to make sure they are the same type (1333 or 1666 or whatever). it almost seems like now, youve bought a computer, then bought a bunch of upgrades, when you could have just bought decent parts in the first place.

its not difficult, but it is also not something you can just do quickly. take some time, look up the parts you have (including the case, open it up), and what you will need to upgrade. hell i even measured the physical dimensions of my case so i could make sure it fit. i almost bought a power supply that was too big for mine before i looked around. read a bit about power supplies, read a bit about newer video cards, what works and what doesnt.

i dont mean any offense either, just trying to help you out and guide you towards what you are looking for. i will say i think veins and belac have a great understanding of this sort of stuff too, probably more than myself :). i cant say ive ever had dual cards or anything fancy. i am still around an intermediate level (once my i7 becomes outdated, i will probably try to build from scratch).

also, half life 2 takes nothing anymore to run it, my old card could max it (gts 240)

also veins, have you beat skyrim yet? ive been thinking about trying some mods for it and starting a new file. ive never modded before and i cant remember if anyone here has tried with skyrim (i know a few of you modded other games, which still blows my mind :lol:)

Aye, I agree with all of Niki's points here Adam. No offense as you're new to the terrain and it is understandable, but I highly suggest before making x purchase here and there, at least for the time being take the time to talk to a computer savy friend about your options and do the proper research about your items.

Calling like you said you're going to do is a good thing, but I also suggest sitting down with someone and discussing options in real time as well that isn't tied to any company. Heck, if you need twtao i'm sure one of us few on here could talk to you on messenger and help you out as well. I missed the boat when you actually bought your pc, and the fact that you're already diving into a new graphics card and power supply is evidence that these tactics could have massively benefited you (even if you weren't initially looking to be making a 'gaming' rig. Aside from when Crisis was first released / texture modded there really isn't a good financial excuse for getting a new rig (desktop wise) that can't run what is coming out at the moment at top tier. When it comes to gaming PC's, research and invest larger initially and you will end up paying a lot less in the long run.

Just looking out for your bank account man =).

Niki, I actually still haven't beaten Skyrim. In the last few days i've finally been playing it again on my character I made after my 60+ hour character save got lost. I'm merely level 16 right now, and glad I haven't ever read up on anything since stumbling upon Daedric stuff etc etc is satisfying. Juggling thieves and Darkbrotherhood stuff right now. My girlfriend has done more in Skyrim than me a this point XD. There seems to be something wrong with the fact that she will be watching me play and be like "No no, go this way to get there quicker..." etc etc. But hey, it works, the other day after sexytime we cuddled and she played skyrim on her 360 as I played ME3 on my laptop. :lol: I typically don't gush but I'm glad to finally be with someone I can chill with in such a manner.

As far as modding goes i'm looking through different ones right now, but I haven't actually part took in the modding process since the days of windows 98 and early xp with a variety of different games. I had that shit down pat and it added crazy new levels of enjoyment / depth to community and gaming, but I simply haven't actively done it in some time, and would quite frankly be lost if I tried to right now. I am using SKYUI, as it simply makes the game that much better/smooth.

With video editing I unfortunately don't have much to offer you. I use fraps, and while most stuff runs fine with me while using it for me some games I do have to bump down the settings if I want to record. Mostly I hate how much space the files take up in their raw format and have never invested enough time to become acquainted with proper software that doesn't cost a bundle to edit it and compress it without losing massive amounts of fidelity.
ah nice haha, i met a girl a few years ago and we talk about games all the time (and play left 4 dead 2 nightly). so i can relate :lol:, although we arent going out (lol at least not yet ;))

lol i forgot about your charecter getting erased, that blows so much, my heart seriously breaks over stuff like that. ive been playing total war shogun 2 with a friend for like a week (4 days. 5-7 hours at a time, had to appear offline on steam to avoid distractions :lol:), he reformatted his HD and didnt make a backup, so we lost the entire game :lol:. started over the other night.
thats how i did my first run of skyrim too, looked up a few things here or there, but i mostly just explored and did my own thing. that is what always eventually sold me on the elder scrolls games, was the massive living world you could explore. and it always feels like you can do anything (ok i mostly mean stealing and crafting stuff :lol:). this makes me want to start a new file (with HD textures too, just to push my new card to the limit :lol:).

also on an epeen note. i looked up some of my more current battlefield stats (, it has everything you could ever want haha). im at like 480 hours, and these are my places on the PC leaderboards (for weapons, it counts players who have more than 100 kills)
G3a3 assault rifle - #116 (of 77000)
M39EMR sniper - #69 (77000)
anti tank mines - #280
dogtags/knife kills - #1881 (out of 584000)
Total score - #6531 (out of 622000). haha total score is hard to advance in, since top 5k are probably all pros with no jobs haha. casual players have about 250-300 score per minute, mine is at 550 right now.
im sorry, i missed out on online fun in the golden age of online games, so now im making up for it :lol:. my signature messed up so ill have to update that soon too

been looking at mods for skyrim at work. im totally gonna mod the shit out of it tonight or tomorrow. i know too many mods will be incompatible or can cause problems, so i figure ill try a graphics update (or overhaul). then ill add in a few armor/weapon options (i see theres grim reaper hoods :lol:). i always felt elder scrolls had loot. like just grind for daedric armor and game is finished (dragon armor sucks :lol:). so hopefully this will add some more end game options

edit. kingdoms of amalur has this same problem except slightly different. the endgame armor is incredibly expensive. but you get so much loot and its all garbage, so you make tons of cash (endgame armor is like 400k, and right now i have about 3 million and nothing to spend it on). so like 50-60% of the way through, you jsut buy one of those armors, break it down, and remake it even better.

i havent taken damage in days (and im playing on hard :lol:), without even grinding i have super high defense, and if someone can manage to damage me, my health and mana regen faster than they can deal damage. im just gonna end the game soon, since its become a bit boring (might try thief next, just to avoid overkill mode)
im sorry, i missed out on online fun in the golden age of online games, so now im making up for it :lol:. my signature messed up so ill have to update that soon too

Hehe, no need to apologize, if you're able to garner enjoyment from that set up its great. I've been meaning to get BF3 since before it came out...I've just been so