The Gaming Thread

Eh, not sure if there is one. It was put out before Steam and the like really took off.

You might be able to buy a serial number from their website and just torrent the game.

My brother gave me a danish site that might have it, thanks anyway :)

If anyone wants to set up a match in Age of Mythology or Age of Empires 3, let me know. I'm rusty as all hell but I keep both installed at all times.

I am WAAAY to bad to play against others than the computer :p
Really haven't been able to play too much of it yet, but there is still a ton of fun zombie killing methods i've come across...


So far New Vegas just feels like a full length bit of DLC of Fallout 3. Which sure the game is good enough to warrant such, but it simply doesn't reach the level of 3 since it was done before, a couple years ago.
I just got New Vegas but I have not tried it out yet. I hear it feels like a giant expansion since most of the game mechanics are the same but I can live with that, I love Fallout 3. What I was really hoping for was improved Over-the-Shoulder animations. It's an old issue that has haunted Bethesda's engine since Morrowind. When you strafe left or right your character model does not move properly, they just slide around, and jumps look like you float off the ground. This really shouldn't be a hard issue to fix but they have not done it so far. I still think First-Person view is far far better in almost any game (I'm really not a fan of follow cams in action games, Red Faction Guerrilla would have been waaay better 1st person) but if I have some sweet armor or a nice gun sometimes I want to go third person and admire my awesomeness as I kill Raiders. lol
The Force Unleashed 2 demo is most certainly action packed...though anything that deals with bringing the protagonist back from being cloned leads to suggestion that the story is going to suck balls.
Metro 2033 is a steal at that price ffs.

Just beat The Force Unleashed 2, both lightside and darkside.

*spoilerzzzzz kind of*

Kota wants to take Vader prisoner at the end of it. Is that really the best idea the Rebellion has in mind? REALLY? LORD VADER CAPTIVE?!?
Getting really tired of CoD and all their copy / paste from games past. Not to mention Black Ops is by Treyarch...bleh. I have it on my gamefly rental list, but I'm sure it will be a game I return within a couple days.