The Gaming Thread

My roomates and I played through Half-life 1 in co-op not too long ago, it was pretty awesome I have to say. That game has great trolling potential, almost as much as Doom or Unreal.

Speaking of, am I the only huge Unreal fan here? It's rare for me to run into anyone that thinks the first Unreal game was as awesome as I did. Seriously, for the time (when Quake 2 was just out) it was one of the best, most advanced shooters ever, and it came from a couple of guys working in an apartment that managed to out-do fucking id Software in the technology department (and they still do to this day:)).

It's just as much about adventuring/exploring and beautiful scenery as it is about uber-intense shooting mechanics (later shown off in Unreal tournament series). Even now the scenery is fucking great, it's such a unique shooter, it was leagues beyond Quake 2 in almost every aspect, except it had buggy network code on initial release. Somehow a lot of people overlooked it, and then Half-life came and it got buried. Thankfully it was impressive enough and recieved well enough that Unreal Tournament came along to preserve the name.

Anyways Unreal 1 is by far one of my favourite games to play co-op. It's fucking hilarious to screw with your friends, and the levels are so massive and the environments varied that it never gets old. You start off in a crash-landed spaceship and end up everywhere from maze-like underground caverns, to mines, to cities in the sky, to ancient temples and sewers and even in space. Not to mention the guns are pretty imaginitive. Most the guns form Unreal Tournament are present for you to kill legions of native creatures, fauna and monsters, and of course the Alien forces invading the planet it all takes place on.

I personally think it's aged much better than most games, but it's hard to say if a new player would see the greatness it once represented back in the day. Anywho. Any other players?
man my first pc game was from my dads friend, it was starcraft. went to his house one day and he had unreal, i remember playing it and being in awe. i dont think i got very far but at the time it was easily the best looking game i had ever seen (and it was kinda creepy too)

best part is i never got molested either :D
When it came out that's the reaction everyone had. The first time you exit the crashed Starship and step on the planet surface was amazing at the time. The waterfall and the cliff scenery. Now it might not be that noticeable with games like Crysis out there lol. Still it is a fun game. Plus it was one of the first games to implement truly formidable AI. Most games had to just give an enemy more HP to make them strong, but Unreal makes use of AI to make the enemies more skilled and maneuverable. Again, at the time the AI was way beyond any other game (Half-Life stole this title a little later with the excellent AI of the Marines).

Yeah I was that guy that stood by Unreal when people started talking about Quake 2. :lol:.

If you can play it for free I'd say give it a whirl.
Played them all, but stuck with Jedi knight dark forces 2 till counter strike pretty much came to multiplayer. Those memories remain unmatched by any shooter.
Now I'm rambling about Unreal. Something odd about the game is the "storytelling" if there is any. The game never truly defines anything, the story is told through the PDA's you find on corpses of people that survived the original crash, and later died on the planet. You come across them fairly frequently and each one is basically a journal. Since no one actually knows what is happening as it's an unknown planet, each PDA is just an account from that individual perspective, but they don't know the names of the aliens so you kind of learn as you go. It's not very well told and it's a shame becasue actually knowing what is going on makes the game better I think.

The short version. You are on a planet with a peaceful native species called the Nali, and a warrior alien species called the Skaarj have invaded and killed or made slaves of the Nali. You will run into both native creatures of the planet and the Skaarj and their ally species.

The story is worth knowing. lol
Just came to post this ^ I need to preorder today.

Also, next week is my first big math test and my first draft english paper. I don't think I'll be playing much :(
Just came to post this ^ I need to preorder today.

Also, next week is my first big math test and my first draft english paper. I don't think I'll be playing much :(

Both you and Carley car getting it for 360? Which just reminded me, I need to sort out my networking in my room.